Today copy the words that are red and underlined. Forces Today copy the words that are red and underlined.
What is a FORCE? A push or pull that changes an object’s motion. Turn to letter “F” in your Glossary and enter the word “force” and the page number of your notes.
What is a FORCE? A push or pull that changes an object’s motion. THIS IS NOT THE FORCE WE ARE TALKING ABOUT!!
Forces can affect motion in several ways: → They can make objects start moving → They can make objects move faster → They can make objects move slower → They can make objects stop moving → They can make objects change direction → They can make objects change shape
Since force cause changes in the speed or direction of an object, we can say that forces cause changes in speed, so…. Forces cause acceleration!
FORCE FACTS: → Forces are measured in Newtons (N) → Forces usually act in pairs → Forces act in a particular direction → Forces usually cannot be seen, but their effects can
THERE ARE MANY TYPES OF FORCES Frictional Force Gravitational Force Tension Force Electrical Force Normal Force Magnetic Force Air Resistance Force Applied Force Spring Force
FORCES! Remember: just because the object is not moving doesn’t mean that no force is acting on it. It just means that the force is balanced by another force in the opposite direction.
Try using arrows to show the direction of the push and pull! Name That Force! What forces act on the cannon ball? This boulder is being pushed up a hill. What forces are acting on the boulder? What forces act on this ball that is balanced on the foot? Try using arrows to show the direction of the push and pull!
FORCE Measured in Newtons (N) 1 Newton = the amount of force needed to move 1 kilogram 1 meter per second per second. 1 Newton = the weight of a medium-sized apple or a stick of butter.
What is the net force?
Two factors that affect Motion of an object: FRICTION: a force that resists motion between two objects touching each other. GRAVITY: the Earth’s pull on objects. ALWAYS 9.8 meter per second per second (on Earth).
A BIG Misconception: Does an elephant fall faster than a mouse? NO WAY! We both fall at 9.8 m/s/s !!!