Notes 3/11 Wolf essays due next time –Clarifying citing of websites –Come see us during office hours
SW Prehistoric Cultures Geography Reminder: Map quiz on 3/27 Square=modern culture, circle=prehistoric Chaco Mesa Verde
Other Southwest Prehistoric Cultures Mogollon: –- Sinagua: - Environmental-human aspects
Mogollon Rim Transition between – Crosses AZ and NM -
Mogollon Climate -
Mogollon Ecosystems Rocky Mt. like –- Forests quite productive. White Mountains, AZ
Mimbres, NM -
Mogollon Habitation As with other cultures: - –Point of Pines Pueblo: -
Mogollon Subsistence Big and small game –-–- –-–- Native and cultivated plants –-–-
Pinyon Pine -
Mogollon Agriculture Central Highlands not perfect for corn: –-–- –-–- –-–- –-–- Little water control –-–-
Mogollon Pottery Started out plain Ultimately, Mimbres magic –-
Saltwater fish?
Mogollon Termination AD 1300: –-–- But, drought from 1325 – 1355 –-–- –-–- –-–-
Winner: Most Heartbreaking Abandonment - -.-
Sinagua Derivative of Mogollon –-–- Northern group: = -- –-–- –-–- Southern group: = -- –-–- –-–- Don’t miss Montezuma and Wupatki.
Northern Southern Sinagua Wupatki
Colton: Black Sand - –- - -
Any Need to Study Past Abrupt Environmental Events? Katrina –-
Ring width Time A.D Control Event
An Issue with Black Sand Theory Eruption of Sunset Crater: = -- First tree-ring dates of Wupatki: = -- - Could AD 1064 signal be due to something else?
How to study Sunset Crater eruption better?
El Tocón Paricutinense 4343
Northern Sinagua Subsistence Small game hunting: –-–- -- Agriculture innovations: –-–- - - –-–-
Northern Sinagua Abandonment By AD 1250 – : - - Early 1300s: - -
Verde Valley Sinagua Nice place: –-–- Elevational ecotone: –-–- –-–-
Montezuma Castle Deep in a limestone cave 5 stories 50 rooms Mis- named
Why Cliff Dwelling? Defense: - Farmland: - Floods: - Weathering: - -
Montezuma Well A must-see.
What Environmentally Could Possibly Go Wrong at Montezuma’s Well? Modern day arsenic = 100 µg/L –1 L = 1000 ml = 1000 g –1 µg/L = 1 part per billion (ppb) US EPA limits –Pre-2000: 50 ppb –Proposed: 5 ppb Health effects: cancers, other illnesses
Mogollon/Sinagua Summary Mogollon– mountains –Hunting, gathering, some farming –Pinyon nuts –Some terraces –Big sites (400 rooms) Mogollon (Mimbres) –Alluvium & farming –Elaborate pottery –Big pueblos—400+rooms Depopulations—ca. 1300s—slightly later than Kayenta; drought
Mogollon/Sinagua Summary Sinagua North & South North—Flagstaff area –Sunset Crater (modern homework) –Land rush –Erosion of black sand; drought ca South—Verde Valley –Montezuma Castle—passive solar –Montezuma Well—arsenic –Abandoned by mid-1300s