Evolution of Technology
Why do we use base 10?
Abacus China 3000 BC
Adding Machine Blaise Pascal 1642 Invented as a teenager Built 20
The Difference Engine Charles Babbage England 1833 Steam powered Lacked funding to complete the device
Office Technology What was a bank like in 1850 ? They has lots of “Computers”.
Electricity Distribution Thomas Edison Incandescent Light 1882 NYC distribution “Con Edison” still powers NYC Also invented phonograph and motion pictures
Typewriter 1874 Remington – (Gun Manufacturer) Why QWERTY?
Cash Register 1880 John & James Ritty
Adding Machine 1885 William Borroughs
Programmable Punched Card Processing Machine US Census of 1890 tallied the U.S. Census in 6 weeks (as opposed to 7-10 years).
Telegraph 1844 Samuel Morse Washington to Baltimore “What hath God wrought?" … --- …
Telephone 1875 Alexander Graham Bell, Scottish Boston University “Bell Telephone” was forced to split up in 1982 “Atlantic Bell” became Verizon
ENIAC – first electronic computer 1944 weighed 30 tons calculate artillery fire drew enough energy to dim the lights of Philadelphia when it was run operated at 5000 instructions per second
I.B.M – International Business Machines New York Thomas J. Watson, Sr. instilled a strict, professional demeanor in his workers. spectacular success with its tabulating machines and the punch cards
I.B.M. launched its computer business in 1953 hired scientists leaving US war effort controlled 90% of computer industry thru 1970’s
Famous Quotes I think there is a world market for maybe five computers. -- Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943 Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons. -- Popular Mechanics, 1949
Triumph of the Nerds
The Internet Era
AOL – First popular ISP over phone. Advantages over “snail mail” – Free Voted the best FREE thing ever! – Instantaneous – Easily store everything – Search for specific words Disadvantages ? – Privacy ? – US Post Office loses more money every year
Searching the www How does it happen so fast? AOL and Yahoo – early search engines 15 Top Search engines Google – Massive search database Complex algorithm developed Is now a verb Larry Page and Sergey Brin – founders Who gets listed first?
Social Media My Space – what happened? Facebook – Mark Zuckerberg Top 15 Social Networking sites
The Mobile Computing Era
Online Maps & Location Sensors MapQuest –original Internet mapping service MapQuest How does mapping software work? – Latitude & Longitude – Where is location 0 ° lat - 0 ° long ? – – Database of all objects How does GPS work? – Detects distance from at least 3 satellites How does Wireless Location Sensing work? – Finds known “hotspots”
The “Cloud” What is it ? – Google Drive – iCloud Advantages vs Disadvantages ? – Convenience – Access to docs from any device – Security – Your files are “out there” inviting hackers – Traffic – Large data transfers can slow internet
US Cell Phone Usage
Artificial Intelligence
What happens when machines are smarter than people? The Singularity Elon Musk – founder of SpaceEx and Tesla – Open AI Open AI Self Driving Cars –