EMS Implementation at Cranfield University EAUC Conference 1 st April 2009 Alan Fowler (Principal, ENVIRON) Roger Richards (SHE Manager, Cranfield University)
Workshop structure Presentation -What is an EMS? -Why implement an EMS? -The implementation process at Cranfield -Key challenges -Tips for Success Structured discussion -EMS uptake and perceived benefits -Barriers to EMS implementation -Practical examples of how an EMS can improve environmental performance
What is EMS? A structured framework for delivering continual improvement in environmental performance ISO structure -Policy -Planning -Implementation and operation -Checking -Management review A journey, not a destination
Why did Cranfield University Implement an EMS? Environmental Benefits -Reduce waste and emissions -Avoid accidents and incidents -Environmental risks are better managed Business Benefits -Greater compliance assurance, fewer regulatory inspections -Risk reduction (e.g. spills / leaks) -Enhanced stakeholder reputation (attract students & funding) -Cost savings (e.g. materials, waste, energy) Other Benefits -Provides research opportunities -Allows staff and students to contribute directly to improved environmental performance -Encourages better teamwork between Schools and Services
The EMS implementation journey Timetable -Initial gap analysis at Cranfield and Shrivenham in Silsoe certification to ISO in Cranfield campus EMS implementation launch in January Certification achieved in March 2009 Approach -Consultants worked in partnership with a Cranfield team -Regular senior management reviews and participation -Transfer of knowledge via training, workshops and teamwork -Engendered ownership and designed the system so the university could maintain it itself Scope -Academic Schools (Faculties) as well as Estates and Site Services (i.e. staff and students -Future rollout to other Schools and Services at Cranfield campus
Key challenges Complex organisation -Many different levels of autonomy, including academic and university management -Four Schools with a wide range of activities (e.g. labs and industrial scale research units) -Large area -Many tenants -Accommodation -Complex infrastructure (sewage treatment works, district heating system, waste management facilities, chemical storage facilities) Limited resources -Personnel very busy with other initiatives -Estates personnel overstretched -University needs value for money Aggressive schedule
Tips for Success Secure management commitment ASAP Set a realistic deadline (12-18 months) Measure and report on progress Focus on practical benefits rather than create a paper chase Tailor system to your requirements Consider external help for key system elements, but keep ownership -Aspects and impacts -Compliance assessment -Training Use a good certifier with relevant experience
Any questions?
EMS uptake Which organisations here have an EMS? Which organisations are considering implementing one? Why has your organisation decided to implement an EMS? -Which model (e.g. ISO 14001, EMAS, Acorn / BS 8555)? Have you, or do you intend to, achieve certification to ISO 14001? -Why? -What are the benefits of certification? Has your organisation decided not to implement an EMS or pursue certification? -Why?
Barriers to EMS Implementation Have you encountered barriers to EMS implementation? What are they? How can you overcome them?
How can an EMS improve environmental performance? For each of the following examples: -Does the photo illustrate good or bad practice? -What are the environmental risks / issues? -What improvements could be made? -How can an EMS help us manage these issues?
Chemical storage
Oil storage tank
Chemical storage
Car washing on campus