11 Centre of knowledge and expertise Data Warehousing ESSnet (DWH ESSnet)


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Presentation transcript:

11 Centre of knowledge and expertise Data Warehousing ESSnet (DWH ESSnet)

2 Introduction Essential elements of DWH ESSnet What would the “Centre” be doing? Why is there a need? What would be the ideal situation? What about you?

3 Essential elements of the DWH ESSnet 1) Context: MEETS project and Eurostat Vision 2) ESSnet countries: NL, EE, IT, LT, PT, SE, UK 3) What is it about? Objective: to make data processing more efficient + to maximise reuse of already collected data Results: Review of current practices, examine ways in which data can be combined to support new outputs, provide recommendations how the ESS can improve data warehousing

4 Essential elements of the DWH ESSnet (cont.) 4) Main achievements year 1 -Overview of current best practices, problems encountered and desired solutions identified (in- depth analysis of a few countries made against architectural model and overview to be kept alive) -Clear need for ad-hoc knowledge and expertise -Proposal for future work

5 Essential elements of the DWH ESSnet (cont.) 5) Future work (years 2 and 3) -Work package on metadata -Work package on methodological aspects for building the statistical data warehouse (S-DWH) -Work package on architectural and technical aspects for building the statistical data warehouse (S-DWH) -Work package on dissemination in which i.e. the Centre of knowledge and expertise will be set-up

6 What would the “Centre” be doing? 1)Active/dynamic role ensure sustainability of the results of this ESSnet after the project is completed : To provide ad-hoc support, consultancy and/or expert reports on the requests of ESS member states 2) Static/administrative role: to keep the data warehousing platform (ESSnet or CROS portal) up-to- date with reports produced by the Centre of knowledge and expertise.

7 Why is there a need? 1)-Creating a data warehouse is a big and complex project which will take more than 1 or 2 years. -NSIs resources are being reduced and therefore the developments have to be split in smaller blocks which will give a stepwise development that lasts longer. -Many ESS countries have not yet started. The need for active and dynamic knowledge and expertise will thus exceed the duration of the MEETS programme. 2)During a stepwise development of a DWH, the best practice, knowledge and expertise of others can be used and will be of valuable help.

8 What would be the ideal situation? To ensure the continuity of this project, an active and dynamic response to the need for knowledge and expertise should be ensured also after the project is finished. In order to keep the knowledge and expertise that the current ESSnet is acquiring active and dynamic after this ESSnet, the ideal situation would be that the current ESSnet could continue to provide ad-hoc support, consultancy and/or expert reports under the same circumstances.

9 What about you? Sustainability of your ESSnet? Need to go beyond CROS? Do you recognise this need? The floor is yours