Amanda Weglin Public Administration Capstone, Spring 2011
What is the most effective tool for CIHA to assess initiatives indentified in the Neighborhood Revitalization Plan of August 2002? Problem Statement Background Methodology Literature Review Presentation of logic model Outcomes of Research
Client, Cook Inlet Housing Authority CIHA’s mission- “creating housing opportunities that empower our people and build our community. The Authority’s housing programs are designed to encourage our client’ transition toward self-sufficiency, through home ownership or affordable rental housing.” Timeline of Revitalization A brief history of Revitalization in the US How Revitalization came to Mountain View
Public Private Partnerships Federal State Local Muni CIHA Rasmuson Foundation The Mountain View Community
Indicators from CIHA Phase 1: Increase owner occupancy rates within 5 years Increase the quality of housing stock (as measured by assessed values in the area) Increase in resident participation within the community A measured increase in safety of the neighborhood Decrease in the mobility of tenants Decrease in the mobility of student populations Decrease of absentee landlords
Phase II Expansion of the Neighborhood Revitalization Plan (NRP) Phase III Expand to tribal areas
Case Study Analysis: Indicators Baltimore, Maryland Decentralization Structural shifts in economy Chattanooga, Tennessee Revitalization based around a particular feature Albuquerque, New Mexico New housing construction Specialty retail
Portland, Oregon Community organizing Restructuring and rezoning Program evaluation Walkability Grant funding Removing blighted housing
CIHA financial contributions HUD Community Development Block Grants Municipal Funding Rasmuson Foundation Commitment to Mountain View Neighborhood Community Council Involvement CIHA program staff Committed political partnerships Resources Identification of redevelopment sites The use of attractive, high quality, affordable designs in the new housing Identification and replacement of blighted housing Decrease in absentee landlords Activities The completion of Mountain View Village, I-III 170 new units Outputs Decrease mobility of school age students Decrease the number of absentee landlords Short Term Outcomes, 4-6 years A social and environmental shift towards homeownership Improvement in the availability of single family homes Improvement in the appearance of Mountain View Long Term Outcomes 7-10 years
CIHA Mountain View Revitalization is poised for success. Based on Indicators from across the country as benchmarks. Future.