4:00 to 4:30 Time for teams to: – Review status – Discuss their PLC journey – Prepare for tonight’s presentation – Get reacquainted
Professional Learning Communities Session 3 Napavine School District January 19, 2010
Norms and Roles
Session Overview Part I: What do PLCs do? Part II: Short-Term Wins Part III: Protocol- Consultancy
Action Plan Conditions Areas of Growth Conditions“Short Term Win”Action Steps (Who? What? When?) Time to meet and talkClass coverage
Today’s Learning Targets Outcomes and Targets Teams will understand the “Four Questions of PLCs” and assess where they are as a school community in responding to them. Teams will share the “Short-Term Wins” of their PLCs. Teams will become familiar with the Consultancy Protocol using Student Work Teams will learn about and how to use probing and clarifying questions
Connecting to Prior Learning What is the climate change you are addressing through your PLCs?
What is a PLC? Time Team Norms Resources Trust Removing Barriers Shared Knowledge Job Embedded PD Shared Purpose Establishing Focus School Team Four Questions Results Necessary Conditions
What is a PLC? Educators committed to working collaboratively in ongoing processes in order to improve student learning School Each PLC is organized into a series of high- performing collaborative teams which meet on a regular basis to focus on student learning. Team Four Questions Each Team uses the four foundational questions to drive reflection, action research, essential learnings, lessons, formative assessments, support, and enrichment... Resulting in... ResultsImproved Student Learning
What is a Team? School Team Four Questions Results Team A team is a group of people working interdependently to achieve a common goal, for which members are held mutually accountable Organized by a shared course, shared subject, shared grade level, or interdisciplinary program. There has to be a logical reason for putting teams together Teams answer the four questions
1.What do we want our students to learn? (Most essential curriculum 8-12 key learnings per semester) 2. How will we know they are learning? (frequent, team-developed, common, formative assessments) 3. How will we respond when they don’t learn? (timely, directive, systematic interventions) 4. How will we respond when they do learn? (timely enrichment/extension) School Four Questions Results Team What are the Four Questions? Four Questions
Discussion Which of the “Four Questions” is your focus? What is the supporting role of leadership (district, school, team)? What are some short- term wins in this area?
Professional Learning communities Assessment Curriculum Teamwork Norms Purpose Question 4 Trust RTI Protocols Collaboration School Improvement Plan Looking at student work Norms Time Data Alignment CBAs TimeData Instruction RTI Standards
We will resume at 6:10 PM, PST
Jessica, Esther and Grandma
Short-Term Wins What is one win to share with the group?
Protocols in a PLC Etymology: from Greek prōt- prot- + kollan to glue together, from kolla glue; 1 : an original draft, minute, or record of a document or transaction 2 a : a preliminary memorandum often formulated and signed by diplomatic negotiators as a basis for a final convention or treaty b : the records or minutes of a diplomatic conference or congress that show officially the agreements arrived at by the negotiators 3 a : a code prescribing strict adherence to correct etiquette and precedence (as in diplomatic exchange and in the military services) b : a set of conventions governing the treatment and especially the formatting of data in an electronic communications system c :convention 3a,bconvention 3a,b 4 : a detailed plan of a scientific or medical experiment, treatment, or procedure
Why Protocols? (Characteristics) Structure that supports community Clearly define roles Create safety through structures Are used purposefully Define time, expectations, procedures and products Builds trust through safe interactions 18
Tool Kit for Protocols 3 Basic Protocols Data Text Consultancy
Consultancy Protocol Big Ideas Structured process Help guide thinking around a concrete dilemma Outside perspective
Reflection and next steps What will you share with staff as a result of tonight? How did your team model effective group norms? What follow-up or support do you feel you need?