#meten How do you measure agile success? Keith Richards
#meten Presentation Structure Introductions Why do we need to do this Two different views to assess What needs measuring How to do this in the best way Further information Close and questions.
#meten Introductions Chief Executive of agileKRC agileKRC is a pioneering company at the forefront of agile thinking Specialising in all things agile (PRINCE2 Agile, Scrum, Kanban, Lean Startup, DSDM, AgilePM, everything!) Training, Consultancy, Coaching and Delivery Lead author for the NEW PRINCE2 Agile product from AXELOS 20 years of experience with agile Detailed knowledge of PRINCE2 with agile and the DSDM Framework IAF Accredited / APMG Certified Facilitator Author of ‘Agile Project Management’ (TSO) Voted ‘Most Valuable Agile Player’ UK Agile Awards.
#meten Agile is definitely good for you Everyone is doing it It has gone mainstream A lot of information available about it Many surveys highlighting the benefits.
#meten …but can you prove it? Do we need to prove it? Can we just use our instincts? Is there any benefit to proving it works? You have to be able to prove it!
#meten How do you prove it? With a lot of hard work By being very careful ‘Meten is Weten’ It is easy to get this wrong!
#meten Firstly, decide what success means to you Agile is only an enabler What are you trying to achieve with agile? Go faster? Deliver better? Be cheaper? All three?
#meten Is it that simple? What about other forms of success? Being more responsive What does ‘better’ mean? – Building the right thing? – Building the thing right? Do you mean ‘faster’… …or do you mean ‘on time’?
#meten Is this measuring agile? Yes and no! You need to measure at two levels – Benefits level – Agile level Separating these two will help provide clarity.
#meten Measuring benefits The most important Generally objective Should be doing this anyway The agile word is ‘value’…...although ironically that is often nebulous.
#meten Measuring Agile Still important Sometimes subjective Contrast to existing practices (e.g. waterfall) Secondary importance …but it is vital to measure it!
#meten Some ideas on what to measure Collaboration Transparency Self-organisation Exploration Communication Morale Release frequency Early detection Bugs... …but are all of these secondary?
#meten Never forget – the CFO view Happy campers or cash?
#meten To measure agile you need a baseline What measures do you have right now? Are they the ones you need? Can you tell if agile is working? How will you know what success looks like? This is hard to do!
#meten To go agile you need a business case How much are you investing in agile? How much are you expecting in return? What is the scope of your agile initiative?
#meten You need the right people in the right roles Who is sponsoring this? Who is managing it? Who are the key stakeholders? ‘Edge of desk’ is not an option.
#meten It’s a long journey …and it never ends! Take it one step at a time – continuous improvement Don’t worry if some of this worries you Generally low levels of maturity exist for this It is easier for some than others.
#meten Further Information / Next Steps Keith is teaching PRINCE2 Agile courses in London on November and 21 – 23 December. agileKRC run regular webinars on a variety of agile topics agileKRC help organisations with their transition to Agile agileKRC offers a variety of agile services, including consultancy, training, coaching and recruitment. Public courses in PRINCE2 Agile, AgilePM, Agile PgM, AgileBA, Scrum, SAFe, Kanban Find us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Read Keith’s blog at:
#meten Measuring Agile Success: Any questions?