Review ①What are the properties of minerals? ②What are the five characteristic of a mineral?


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Presentation transcript:

Review ①What are the properties of minerals? ②What are the five characteristic of a mineral?

Review ①What are the properties of minerals?  Color, luster, streak, hardness, and cleavage or fracture ②What are the five characteristic of a mineral?  Minerals are solid  Minerals are inorganic  Minerals form in nature.  Minerals have a specific chemical make-up or composition.  Minerals have a definite structure.

Common Minerals  Earth is made up of more than 3,500 different minerals.

Common Minerals  Earth is made up of more than 3,500 different minerals.  However, only a few minerals are commonly found.

Common Minerals  Earth is made up of more than 3,500 different minerals.  However, only a few minerals are commonly found.  Think about the minerals we have studies in this lesson.

Common Minerals  Earth is made up of more than 3,500 different minerals.  However, only a few minerals are commonly found.  Think about the minerals we have studies in this lesson.  They are made up of some of the most common elements on Earth.

Common Minerals  For example, silicon and oxygen are the two most abundant elements on Earth.

Common Minerals  For example, silicon and oxygen are the two most abundant elements on Earth.  So, it makes sense that quartz, which is made up of silicon and oxygen (SiO 2 ), is the most abundant mineral on Earth.

Some Common Minerals & Their Properties  Mineral: Calcite  Common Color(s): colorless, white, or light pink  Luster: glassy  Hardness: 3.5

Some Common Minerals & Their Properties  Mineral: Fluorite  Common Color(s): colorless, green, or purple  Luster: glassy  Hardness: 4

Some Common Minerals & Their Properties  Mineral: Galena  Common Color(s): lead-gray  Luster: metallic  Hardness: 2.5

Some Common Minerals & Their Properties  Mineral: Graphite  Common Color(s): dark gray to black  Luster: metallic  Hardness: 1-2

Some Common Minerals & Their Properties  Mineral: Gypsum  Common Color(s): white, colorless, or gray  Luster: glassy or dull  Hardness: 2

Some Common Minerals & Their Properties  Mineral: Halite  Common Color(s): colorless or white  Luster: glassy  Hardness: 2.5

Some Common Minerals & Their Properties  Mineral: Hematite  Common Color(s): silvery-gray, reddish-brown, or black  Luster: metallic, dull, or earthy  Hardness: 5-6

Some Common Minerals & Their Properties  Mineral: Hornblende  Common Color(s): dark green or black  Luster: glassy  Hardness: 5-6

Some Common Minerals & Their Properties  Mineral: Magnetite  Common Color(s): black  Luster: metallic  Hardness:

Some Common Minerals & Their Properties  Mineral: Mica  Common Color(s): brownish-black or white  Luster: glassy  Hardness: 2.5-3

Some Common Minerals & Their Properties  Mineral: Feldspar  Common Color(s): pink or less commonly gray  Luster: glassy  Hardness: 6

Some Common Minerals & Their Properties  Mineral: Pyrite  Common Color(s): brassy yellow  Luster: metallic  Hardness: 6-6.5

Some Common Minerals & Their Properties  Mineral: Quartz  Common Color(s): colorless, white, gray, purple, orange, or pink  Luster: glassy  Hardness: 7

Some Common Minerals & Their Properties  Mineral: Talc  Common Color(s): pale green, white, or gray  Luster: pearly  Hardness: 1

Common Minerals  Have you ever found a rock and wondered what it was made of?

Common Minerals  Have you ever found a rock and wondered what it was made of?  Some minerals are called rock-forming minerals because they make up most of the rocks on Earth.

Common Minerals  Although many people use the terms mineral and rock interchangeable, they are not the same.

Common Minerals  Although many people use the terms mineral and rock interchangeable, they are not the same.  A mineral is a solid, natural, inorganic material.

Common Minerals  Although many people use the terms mineral and rock interchangeable, they are not the same.  A mineral is a solid, natural, inorganic material.  A mineral also has a specific chemical make-up and definite physical structure.

Common Minerals  Although many people use the terms mineral and rock interchangeable, they are not the same.  A mineral is a solid, natural, inorganic material.  A mineral also has a specific chemical make-up and definite physical structure.  A rock could be organic and is made up of more than one mineral.

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