Scientific & Technical Visualization Presented By: Felix Martinez
About Me Felix Martinez, this is my second year at KHS. Graduated from East Carolina with a degree in Design (Mechanical Technology). Graduated from Nash Community College with a degree in Advertising & Graphic Design. So I am both a Mechanical Drafter and a Graphic Designer. 001
CTE Stands for: Career & Technical Education This is an “Elective” class, but we get money from the Federal Government to use for Equipment & Software. So that means that the computers in this lab are high end models, not like the ones in the library. 002
What is Scientific & Technical Visualization? From now on, we will refer to this as: SCI VIS. Basically in Sci Vis, we will use various computer software programs to develop 2D and 3D models. We will create models that could be used in: Entertainment, Engineering, and Architecture industries. 003
What kind of student would be successful in Sci Vis? If you are interested in Design (ex. Drafting, art, graphic design). If you are interested in creating 2D & 3D models using design software. If you are interested in working in the Entertainment, Engineering, or Architecture industries. 004
Supplies Needed Pencil / Pen / Paper (standard school stuff) Flash Drive!!! 4GB or larger. Best advise – Get the biggest flash drive you can afford. Remember – the higher the storage number, the more files you can store on the flash drive. 005
Seating Chart We won’t have them in this class for 2 reasons: 1) They don’t work! 2) We have more students than computers. Best advice: Get to class ASAP! Otherwise you will have to share a computer for the class period. 006
Class Rules No food in the lab. (You may eat your food out in the hallway, bottled water, etc. is OK – provided the top is on it and it is in your book bag or on the floor – Not on the table with the computer!) No profanity or obscene language. (If you wouldn’t say it in front of your parents, family, or in church – you shouldn’t say it in this class.) 007
Class Rules Passes will be at the front of the room. 1) Fill it out. 2) Get me to sign it. 3) Give it back to me when you get back. (Note): Per KHS rules, you will be considered Skipping if you do not have a SIGNED pass. 008
Class Layout Attendance: I will pass out a sign in sheet. Classwork Labs: Tutorials we will ALL work together. Projects: Assignments you will work on your own, but you can get help from me, your classmates, or internet / book resources. 009
Class Layout Quizzes: 10 questions on PowerPoint information, or Elements questions. Tests: More than 10 questions on Elements questions. Makeups: Will be done during your class period’s “Knight Time”. 010
Websites We Will Use This is the class web page. This is the quiz and some assignments site. This is the test site. 011
Contact Information (Note): I only want students contacting me using their WCPSS school , do not use your personal . (Note): I will only use this as a Notification tool. I will not follow you on Twitter! 012
Software Adobe Illustrator CC Examples: Autodesk 3DS Max Examples: 013
Lets Make Something 3DS Max Lets Make a tea pot in 5 seconds! Illustrator Lets Make some cartoon eyes! 014