The Earth is Warming - But does it matter ?. Polar bears are becoming crazy! ?


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Presentation transcript:

The Earth is Warming - But does it matter ?

Polar bears are becoming crazy! ?

the cause Global warming

Greenhouse effect is a natural p. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere can warm the earth by trapping heat energy. But the problem begins when we add huge q of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by burning fossil f. Therefore, more heat energy is t in the atmosphere. It is the increased amount of carbon dioxide that r in global warming. henomenon uantities uels rapped esults Fill in the blanks How has this come about?

come about : 发生,造成 相当于 happen When Mother woke up, she didn’t know what had come about. When Mother woke up, she didn’t know what had been come about. How has this come about and does it matter? Try! how the traffic accident came about 你知道那次车祸是怎么发生的吗 ? Do you know______________________________? 注意: come about 没有被动语态。 类似的还有; happen; occur; take place; break out; consist of; belong to.etc.

 Compared to 40 years ago, the carbon dioxide content over these years has gone up rapidly.  Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is compared to the glass of greenhouse Graph: CO2 content in the atmosphere, year parts per million Compared with is similar to  人们经常把老师比做园丁. People often __________ teachers _____ gardeners.  That probably doesn’t sound very much to you or me, but it is a rapid increase ( 与其它的自然变化相比 ) _________________________________. compared to other natural changes compare to

What’s the effect of global warming? The rise in the sea level.

Severe storms droughts famines the spread of diseases disappearance of species

Global warming would result in serious consequences. Serious consequences would______________ global warming. result in result from + 结果 + 原因 as a result: Therefore ; as a consequence as a result of: because of  the rise in the sea level  severe storms  droughts  famines  the spread of diseases  the disappearance of species lead to be caused by 小结 : result from Global warming would result in droughts. Droughts would result from global warming. It’s your turn to make sentences !

 The earth is becoming warmer., London would become a water city.  The rise in the sea level would global warming.  Global warming would the rise in the sea level.  global warming, London would become a water city. As a result result from result in As a result of Talk about the picture by using the following phrases. result in result from as a result as a result of 伦敦变成了水上城市

It is certain that the earth is becoming warmer, but there are some very different attitudes towards the effects of global warming. Some people think that if global temperature continues going up, it would be a disaster. Global warming would cause a rise in sea level; others predict the weather may change like severe storms, droughts, famines, the spread of diseases, and the disappearance of species. On the other hand, there are those who believe more carbon dioxide is actually a positive thing. It will make plants grow faster; crops produce more and encourage a great variety of animals. There is no doubt that catastrophe result in climate keeps on a greater range of the effects of global warming Replace the underlined expressions by using the words, phrases and patterns in the text. effect

Look at the pictures the snow catastrophe

In 2008, severe snowstorms in many southern provinces of China. This is the biggest snow for 30 years since the founding of New China. Streets and roads were covered with thick snow. Many cars the snow. In order to clear away the snow on the road, salt were used. Over this period, many flights and trains had been cancelled. As a, many people returning home were delayed at the airports and railways stations for days. Up to Feb. 12, the snowstorms have losses of 111,1 billion RMB. Even if China has suffered great losses, ____________ ________ we can fight all the difficulties to build up a more powerful country. came about catastrophe were trapped in huge quantities of resulted in consequence There is no doubt that consequence, come about, be trapped in, catastrophe, huge quantities of, there is no doubt that…… result in,

无疑 08 年冬天的暴风雪是场大灾难。网络上人们对雪灾的 成因持有不同的看法。 Practice (Group work)  看法一 : 由于拉尼娜( Lanina )异常气候现象的影响  看法二 : 外星人 ( aliens ) 为了提高所有中国人的环境保护意识.  看法三 : 全球变暖是雪灾的重要成因. Useful expressions:  c atastrophe consequence climate  q uantities of result in come about There is no doubt that… There are some very different attitudes towards…. Some people think that…, others… On the other hand, there are those who believe..

Let’s work together to fight global warming !

1.Go over the words and expressions. 2.Write the composition about the causes of the snow catastrophe and exchange your writing with your partners. Homework: 无疑今年冬天的暴风雪是场大灾难。网络上人们对雪灾的成因持有不 同的看法。请根据这些看法并结合你自己的观点写一篇文章. 雪灾成因的观点 1. 由于拉尼娜( Lanina )异常气候现象的影响 2. 外星人 (aliens) 为了提高所有中国人的环境保护意识. 3. 全球变暖是雪灾的重要成因. 你的观点哪一种观点比较合理 ? 为什么 ?

Thank you for attention!