Yearbook Slideshow Instructions: Slide 3: Insert information regarding your school’s yearbook Order Deadline Price Options How To Order instructions Slides 5 & 6: Can be updated a sneak peek of your school yearbook (cover and inside page examples). How to insert your images: Click on Picture icon inside the image box on the screen. Find the spread image you wish to use, in your files, click Insert Adjust to size: Right click, go to Format Picture to adjust picture format. Be sure to delete this slide before showing your presentation.
Your School Memories Captured Forever Order Your Yearbook Today!
Yearbooks On Sale Now! Yearbook Information: > How to Order: >
Why Get a Yearbook? You’ll always have a picture of your best friend. Share special messages with friends on autograph pages. Remember what was hot and what was not. Because our school is the greatest and you want to keep those wonderful memories forever. So you won’t miss out on all the fun and excitement when the yearbooks arrive!
Our School Yearbook Insert Image of Inside Pages
Our Yearbook Cover You’re In It! Last chance to order your yearbook keepsake. Our yearbook includes: – > Insert cover image