Sikh Channel 216mc Professional Experience Kiren Chanchal
Sikh Channel is a television broadcast channel on SKY 840. I was in the studio and offices. They’ve been broadcasting for just over a year so are still a relatively new channel Sikh Channel is the only religious channel for Sikhism and it is looking to inform and educate Sikhs and non Sikhs, and cater to Sikhs all around the world. What is Sikh Channel
I was there from 5 th April- 1 st May & was expected to: Set up studio Sound and lighting checks Operate in studio cameras for live and pre- recorded shows Operate cameras on location. Vision mixing Research Editing What I Did in Brief
Setting up the studio Blue screen? Or 3-6 chair/table chat show? I learnt how to set up a studio in the gap between two live shows, doing a blue-screen to chat show change over in 30minutes.
Equipment Education I was on camera a lot in studio, for live & pre-recorded shows. When I wasn’t on camera, I was either on sound or adding the new scripts into the autocue and then on autocue during a show. I learnt how to get camera angles correctly quickly for live shows, and I learnt how to sort out the sound on switchboards. I already knew about auto-cue, so I didn’t really learn much there
Name in the Credits When I was in the editing suite, I was placed as primary editor on a specific show called Sikhs Today. As I wasn’t there for long I only got to edit three shows, however, I got my name in the credits! Click the video on the side to see my name in the credits.
What I learnt from this: I was lucky to work on this as I got to be creative with the titling, and I got to edit a show by myself that would go out on air. I already knew how to use Final Cut Pro, but I can confidently say I am comfortable with it now. For this show I had a problem one week with editing as the camera work was poor, so I insisted on, and was allowed to go out on location to film one of the shows I edited. I learnt how to work on a set on location.
Daily VT Today In Sikh History is a short VT that’s played every day informing about what has happened on this day in the history of Sikhism. In the spare time I had whilst editing Sikhs Today, I also edited these VTs, I did daily VTs which they can use until July This involved researching the history, locating suitable illustrative pictures, then editing it all together. Click the video on the side to see an example of the VT
I’ve never been a strong researcher and this allowed me to build on my weakness of researching. I had to check the facts over different sources and then verify them with the boss before they went on air, so it really helped with not only my research skills, but also my communication skills too. What I learnt from this:
All work and no play... One of the perks of the job, was that I could watch shows in the studio that I’d normally watch at home as the studio is shared with Brit Asia- a popular channel at my house. For helping out we got tickets to the premiere of Its A Wonderful Afterlife. I learnt that just because you work behind the scenes, doesn’t mean you don’t get to enjoy the perks... Of bragging about premieres!
What I learnt The pressures of working in a real television studio How to set up a studio efficiently within a team How to film in studio and on set How to rig lighting, mic up guests, set up feedback for presenters, and set up the correct channels for sound and lighting too Vision mix Furthered my editing skills Learnt that conveying a more positive self (even when not positive) allows others to have confidence in you. I learnt a lot but I can always improve on everything. Camera work and rigging lights efficiently may be something specific to work on
The things I overcame Before going on placement, I had some issues I knew would hold me back, but thanks to the placement I have overcome them. The issues I had were: 1.Language barrier. I don’t speak Punjabi and feared the language barrier would minimise my chances to experience difficult things, but I learnt media is a universal language, you don’t really need words, just an understanding. 2.Asking for advice. This has always been my pitfall, since primary school, but I learnt that there’s no way you can find the answer to a problem without asking for guidance. This was key and I learnt this due to checking if the microphones were connected to the correct channels as I kept having difficulties with this. 3.Camera operating. I’m good with photographic cameras but in the past, I purposely limited my experience with video cameras out of fear of not using them to their potential. I was on cameras a lot, pretty much the first thing I did, and this helped me a lot and I feel I’m a worthy camera operator now. I’m not hesitant to pick one up... Or ask for advice on it!
Networking I made quite a few connections which I can call upon today if I needed help or advice. Paul Rudkin *Operations Manager Rohan Midha *Editor Jujhar Singh *Presenter/co-producer Jag Johal*Producer Kevil NeilsonTechnical Sumanjeet BhullarPresenter/Broadcast Journalist Mr Davinder BalDirector/Company owner Mandeep SinghProducer/editor Jagjit SinghBroadcast Producer Gurjit Singh *Music * I also have direct numbers for these people.
I learned much more that I thought I would, and I have to thank Sikh Channel for the opportunity, as I couldn’t have gained such experience without them taking the risk of taking me on, and allowing me access & control over many things.