Future Simple Презентация к уроку в 6 классе по теме «Простое будущее время» Выполнена учителем английского языка Томашек М.И. МБОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №18» г. Калуги
Future Simple Tomorrow the day after tomorrow in В предложении нам на это укажут обстоятельства времени: Tomorrow the day after tomorrow in Next year (week, month)
We will learn French next year. A famous singer will come to our city.
Next year we will learn French. Next year, learn, we, French, will. At 7 o’clock my father will come . At 7 o’clock, will, father, come, my. They will go to Moscow in a month. In a month, they, go, to, Moscow, will. Kate will travel to Russia. Kate, travel, to, Russia, will. Mum will make a nice cake. A, nice, cake, will, mum, make.
WILL + not V not = won’t Will It will not rain It won’t rain tomorrow
Опровергните утверждения It’ll be 24 November in two days. Your teacher will go to London next month. Your granny will come to see you in March. It’ll rain today. You’ll play football next week.
Вспомагательный глагол ? WILL Вспомагательный глагол He, she, you, they, we Подлежащее V ? Основной глагол
Will you read this book in a week? Yes, I will. Here you are. Thank you. Задайте общие вопросы I will read this book in a week. She will come tomorrow. They will go to the library on Saturday.
to be are am is This man is a great poet.
He will be a great poet.
I am dreaming…
I will be a poet.
He will be a cook.
He will be a gardener.
Good luck!