Textual Studies From The Gospel Of Luke & The Acts Of The Apostles
Lesson 55 – In Caesarea 25:1-27 Paul before Festus When Festus arrived in Jerusalem, the chief priests & leading Jews once again pressed their charges against Paul vv. 1-2 They wanted Paul brought from Caesarea to fall into their “ambush” v. 3 cp. 23:12-15
Lesson 55 – In Caesarea 25:1-27 Paul before Festus Festus’ reply to the Jews vv. 4-5 Paul was in custody in Caesarea He himself was leaving for Caesarea The Jews could go down to Caesarea and prosecute their case before him
Lesson 55 – In Caesarea 25:1-27 Paul before Festus Festus arrives in Caesarea 8-10 days later… he takes up Paul’s case the next day v. 6 The Jews again pressed their charges against Paul…unable to prove any of them v. 7 Paul kept maintaining his innocence v. 8
Lesson 55 – In Caesarea 25:1-27 Paul before Festus Festus did show an “inclination”…he wanted to do the Jews a “favor” and asked if Paul would go to Jerusalem v. 9 cp. v. 24:27 An indication he was somewhat willing to accommodate the Jewish ambush
Lesson 55 – In Caesarea 25:1-27 Paul before Festus Paul halted the entire proceedings vv “I am before Caesar’s tribunal where I ought to be tried” “I have done no wrong to the Jews as you (Festus) very well know”
Lesson 55 – In Caesarea 25:1-27 Paul before Festus Paul halted the entire proceedings vv “If I am a wrongdoer & have committed anything worthy of death, I do not refuse to die” “If nothing can be proven, no man can hand me over to the Jews…I appeal to Caesar”
Lesson 55 – In Caesarea 25:1-27 Paul before Festus Important principles Paul’s from statements… Ê If a Christian violates the law, he/she needs to accept full responsibility…even death Ë A Christian has the right to avail him/herself to full protection under the law
Lesson 55 – In Caesarea 25:1-27 Paul before Festus Festus had no choice but to honor Paul’s request v. 12 This appeal to Caesar would by-pass the Jews (and their ambush) and send Paul on his way to Rome
Lesson 55 – In Caesarea 25:1-27 Paul before Festus In a “courtesy call,” King Agrippa II & Bernice came to greet Festus on his appointment v. 13
Who Was This “Agrippa?” Son of Herod Agrippa I Acts 12 Great-grandson of Herod the Great Mt 2 Brother of Bernice…he lived with her in incest Son of Herod Agrippa I Acts 12 Great-grandson of Herod the Great Mt 2 Brother of Bernice…he lived with her in incest
Lesson 55 – In Caesarea 25:1-27 Paul before Festus In a “courtesy call,” King Agrippa II & Bernice came to greet Festus on his appointment v. 13 During their “visit,” Festus presented Paul’s case before Agrippa vv A “leftover” from Felix
Lesson 55 – In Caesarea 25:1-27 Paul before Festus During their “visit,” Festus presented Paul’s case before Agrippa vv Accused vigorously by the Jews An acknowledgment that Roman citizens had the right to face & answer their accusers
Lesson 55 – In Caesarea 25:1-27 Paul before Festus During their “visit,” Festus presented Paul’s case before Agrippa vv The charges were “not as I had expected”… they were not civil but religious An admission he was “at a loss”
Lesson 55 – In Caesarea 25:1-27 Paul before Festus During their “visit,” Festus presented Paul’s case before Agrippa vv Paul’s refusal to go to Jerusalem and his appeal to the emperor Agrippa wanted to hear him personally v. 22
Lesson 55 – In Caesarea 25:1-27 Paul before Festus The arrival of Agrippa & Bernice vv With much “pomp” and “pageantry” v. 23 Festus admits the Jews wanted Paul executed, but he had done nothing deserving of death vv a
Lesson 55 – In Caesarea 25:1-27 Paul before Festus The arrival of Agrippa & Bernice vv Festus also admits his “dilemma”… Paul has appealed to Caesar, but he has nothing to write the emperor about why Paul will be sent to Rome vv. 25b-27