Presented to Ms. Ward’s Class Third Chalkley Elem
Mali was so rich because it was between salt mines and gold mines. Malian kings decided who could trade and traders had to pay them money to cross Mali. Africa was home to many great empires. Mali was one of them. Mali is part of the “gold coast.” Many west African nations were rich and wealthy. Mali, Salt, and Gold
Click here to learn more about camels in a desert like Mali!here
Human Characteristics (jobs) FarmersTradersMiners
Mali was ruled by kings. Malian kings were very rich because they controlled all the trade of salt and gold.
Timbuktu is a major city in Mali. It was like the New York City of Mali.
Timbuktu was such an important city because it had a university with a huge library. Timbuktu was a “city of books” and knowledge. The library in Timbuktu had Greek and Roman books.
Click here to view Timbuktu video cliphere
Oral Tradition (Storytelling) There was no written language in Mali. So there were no Malian books. To pass on stories and information generation to generation, people in Mali had storytellers.
Oral Tradition (Storytelling) The job of the storyteller was to remember the history and to pass it on by telling stories.
Show What You Know about Mali! What are the three physical characteristics of Mali? What are the three human characteristics of Mali? How did people in Mali pass on their history and info? Who ruled Mali? What did they control? What continent in Mali on? Why was Timbuktu important? What two things did people in Mali trade?
Click here for more incredible photos of present-day Mali. Photos are courtesy of Virginia Friends of Mali. here