Due March 13 th
Tomorrow, Friday, Reading Day Meet in the classroom Media Center Literacy Week-Next Week See next slide VLT Monday, February 2 nd and Tuesday, February 3 rd DIA Wednesday, February 4 th, and Thursday, February 5 th
Monday Visual Vocabulary Day- dress as the definition of a vocabulary word HOMEWORK PASS- Formative
Tuesday- Poem in your pocket day Bring a poem to school day HOMEWORK PASS- Formative
Wednesday- Comic Book Dress-up Day Come dressed as your favorite comic book character EXTRA CREDIT- +5 on a summative
Thursday- Visual Literacy Bring an infographic, chart, graph, or art to school day EXTRA CREDIT- +10 to a formative grade
Friday- Literary Character Dress-Up Day Dress as your favorite literary character EXTRA CREDIT- +5 on a summative grade
Must be a novel Cannot be a movie Cannot be “too young” At least 200 pages long. Any exceptions will be made privately, and are at my discretion. I will make decisions that I deem fair.
100pt Summative grade Two groups of projects to choose from. Start working on them now! Match the novel that you choose For example- not a lot of setting don’t make a map. Don’t wait until the last minute! Your formatives should help you prepare your project.
Once a week, (for now) Fridays Formatives (30pts): Formative One: Character Bio, Due Fri. Jan. 30 th Formative Two: Literary Devices, Due Fri. Feb. 13 th Formative Three: Plot Diagram, Due Fri. Feb. 27 th May read or work on formative. Silent. Music ok. DON’T FAKE IT! You will fall behind on your project. IF you’re reading on an electronic device, I need to see it. I will also check to make sure you’re actually reading.