Interim Report Process for Public Institutions Higher Education Coordinating Board Press the F5 key to start the slide show.
2 What are Interim Reports? The interim reports are quarterly data submissions that: Provide HECB with detailed information on your SNG eligible students Assist you in recognizing awarding errors Allow you to flag students in repayment before referring them to HECB
3 Purpose The data provided on the interim report is used by HECB to: Manage SNG funds Set grant amounts and income cut-offs for subsequent years Redistribute deobligated monies Serve as the base for determining preliminary reserve distribution
Basic Steps There are 5 basic steps in the interim reporting process Download your file from your internal system Log on to the Secure Site Upload your file to the Interim Reporting Tool Address any edits Submit the report SNG staff will send an to SNG administrators when the Interim Reporting Tool is open. Interim Report due dates are listed on the SNG Timeline in the SNG Program Manual. 4
Creating the File Download your files from your internal system and save to your computer Must be in text file format Find record layouts in the ‘Reporting Requirements’ chapter of the SNG manual Served and unserved in separate files Each category contains their own summary and detail information 5
Reporting Served and Unserved Students There are 2 types of files you will upload; a served file and an unserved file. Served, or awarded, students refer to: Those who have received a SNG payment Those who have SNG funds committed Report both paid AND anticipated awards for the ENTIRE YEAR, not just the term you are working within. 6
Reporting Served and Unserved Students Unserved students refer to: Those who are eligible and enrolled, but cannot be awarded due to the institution’s lack of funds Don’t forget to report your summer-eligible students! Those awarded with institutional funds due to the lack of SNG funding *Unserved data should be carefully vetted for eligibility and accuracy *A student may be on both lists, but not for the same term 7
Summary and Detail Records A single summary record and at least one detail record must be present in each text file for each student. The summary record contains basic demographic information that is unlikely to change in the course of the year SSN First and last name Family information The detail records are an accounting of each term’s enrollment, disbursement, and/or award. SSN Amount awarded or committed Term Enrollment status 8
Log on to the HECB Secure Site 9
Interim Tool Main Menu 11
12 Uploading Files
Viewing Errors 13
Addressing Edits 14
Viewing List of Students with Edits 15
Editing a Student Record 16
Editing a Student Record 17
Adding a Repayment Flag 18
RECONCILIATION Reconciliation Differences: Some edits no longer overrideable Enhanced Summary Report that must be balanced If not balanced, funds may need to returned to HECB Less Than Half Time awards must not exceed allocation 20
Submitting the Report to HECB 21
Questions? Refer to the SNG Program Manual Contact SNG Staff Carissa Glassburn, Program Manager Victor Fernandez, Payment Coordinator Janet Cornell, Receivables Coordinator 22