XBRL for regulatory reporting in Belgium Camille Dümm Central Balance Sheet Office (CBSO) Update on the CBSO latest developments and related projects
Agenda Context CBSO Project - Objectives and timing CBSO Project - Taxonomy CBSO Project - Processes Related projects
The CBSO at a glance Legal context: Gathering and individual spreading of annual accounts Drawing up statistics based on data contained in annual accounts
The CBSO at a glance In practice: The Central Balance Sheet Office collects annual accounts from non financial companies 85% of them are already in electronic format (text file) Transition to IAS/IFRS to foresee: For consolidated accounts of quoted companies: 160 companies concerned For statutory accounts
The CBSO at a glance 1993 Introducing filing of annual accounts on floppy disk (text file) - Mandatory structure for those who choose electronic filing 2000Spreading on microfilm abandoned in favor of images-CD (PDF file) 2002Supplying copies of filed annual accounts through the Internet 2004Filing annual accounts through the Internet
The CBSO at a glance
Current processing of annual accounts Electronic Paper Images database Quality Check Scanning Validation Data entry Accounting data Data loading Images CD PDF file Text file Output Paper Image CD Internet Figures Studies Statistics
Agenda Context CBSO Project - Objectives and timing CBSO Project - Taxonomy CBSO Project - Processes Related projects
The CBSO Project - Why XBRL Purposes of the XBRL project Introduce flexibility in the process Make the maintenance easier Harmonization of the data format and exchange with other regulators Prepare the electronic filing of annual accounts drawn up according to IAS/IFRS
CBSO Project - Stages 03/2005 Draft Taxonomy presentation to the members of the Belgian jurisdiction 09/2005 Feedback analysis and new taxonomy architecture 01/2006Official publication of the Taxonomy be-fr-pfs-ci on the website 2006Adaptation of the internal process (data entry via Internet, validation, rendering) 04/2007The proprietary standard currently used by NBB will be replaced by XBRL
Agenda Context CBSO Project - Objectives and timing CBSO Project - Taxonomy CBSO Project - Processes Related projects
CBSO Project - Taxonomy description be-fr-pfs-ci According to Belgian GAAP Financial Reporting Primary Financial Statements Commercial and Industry Technical assumptions Compliant spec 2.1 and FRTA Multilingual Modular structure
CBSO Project - Taxonomy architecture
CBSO Project - Website
CBSO Project - Available information All taxonomy files Instance documents Use cases Empty instance documents according to the format (full or abbreviated) A DecisionSoft viewer allowing to visualise the taxonomy in a user-friendly way
CBSO Project - Available information The new template for the filing of annual accounts The PDF file A reference manual explaining the differences in the new layout A technical protocol Containing the constraints and requirements which cannot be integrated in the taxonomy
Agenda Context CBSO Project - Objectives and timing CBSO Project - Taxonomy CBSO Project - Processes Related projects
CBSO Project - Process Taxonomy Data Entry CBSO Validator Upload Instance document Software package (private) PDF Database XBRL files
CBSO Project - Modules Publication according to the legal mission Template published by the NBB based on elements clearly defined in the law Data processed in order to draw up statistics Data must be validated through arithmetical and logical checks The CBSO has developed a software used to input the data of annual accounts as alternative to private software The output is a file compliant with the legal requirements
CBSO Project - Modules Rendering PDF files as output Restrictive layout of the annual accounts Use of metadata and pre-coded forms Objectives to insert most of the rendering parameters in the taxonomy instead of managing them outside, to allow multilingualism to reduce processing time when there is a new taxonomy version.
Rendering structure be-fr-pfs-ci presentation.xml 1 XSL Transformation be-fr-pfs-ci reference.xml be-fr-pfs-ci label.xml 1 XSL Transformation 1 XSL Transformation.../out/presentation.xml.../out/reference.xml.../out/label.xml Company.xml PresentationInstructions.xml 2* XSL Transformation 4 XSL-FO 3 XSL Transformation TransformedCompany.xml Company.pdf Taxonomy linkbases Instance Document To execute at each taxonomy version To produce a PDF file * one file per form and per language
CBSO Project - Modules Validation of instance documents XML validation (well formed document) XBRL validation (according to the taxonomy) CBSO validation (supplementary protocol) "In-house" developments Too many specific checks Waiting for "Formula" linkbase To be integrated in a whole process
CBSO Project - Modules "Data entry" application - SOFISTA-XBRL Web application Manual entry or upload Validation included Visualisation "In house" developments Based on the taxonomy for "standard" sections Based on metadata for "specific" sections Principles reused for Rendering module
Agenda Context CBSO Project - Objectives and timing CBSO Project - Taxonomy CBSO Project - Processes Related projects
Related projects Federal Public Service Economy Directorate-general Statistics and Economic Information Federal Public Service Finance Annual accounts as annex of tax declaration
Directorate-general Statistics and Economic Information Context: Since 1996, the DSEI (former NIS) collects annually detailed data from companies about activity, employment, investments, based on the annual accounts As from 2007, XBRL will be used to fill in the annual survey about companies' structure Objectives: To promote electronical reporting To reduce the administrative burden for companies
Directorate-general Statistics and Economic Information Methodology: Development of a specific taxonomy based on the NBB taxonomy Result: "On line" application
Contacts National Bank of Belgium Central Balance Sheet Office Directorate-general Statistics and Economic Information