Confidential SpecMaps TM ProTurf Confidential
Best to walk the boundary first First interior point should be some distance from last boundary point Designated as Premeasured option in SpecMaps Alternate is Auto Generate option Sprinkler locations are set by taking reading in air above sprinkler. Can be done at any time. Collecting Data Boundary start/finish First interior point A A A A
Confidential Field Scout software creates comma-delimited text file of every data point measured SpecMaps cannot parse this into different sites If file contains multiple sites, customer must break this into separate files for uploading Pre-Processing Data
Confidential Customer provides a username and address Password = Username Option to change Login Page
Confidential View existing maps Upload new data files File Page
Confidential Locate file to map Select meter that created data Give a name for the map Upload new data files File Page 4 Configuration Options Map Type Boundary Range Units
Confidential Hit UPLOAD button to create the map Map is added to the File screen
Confidential Collect TDR readings in air (VWC = 0%). Can be located at any time When uploading a TDR data file, SpecMaps identifies the sprinkler locations and prompts user for a throw radius Entering a radius of 0 will produce a map with sprinkler head locations only
Confidential Interpolation currently uses Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) to create contours Charts are.jpg files that customer can capture and manipulate or distribute Map Page Legend identifies data ranges Turf version includes sprinkler location and radii of throw
Confidential Map Page A histogram is another way to look at the distribution of data Can help locate statistical outliers Turf version includes Distribution Uniformity
Confidential Deleting a File Check appropriate box Hit Delete button File is GONE!
Confidential Registration Page Where new accounts are added to system Select Pro option to activate Turf version Also for renewals
Confidential Affordable Plant Monitoring Technology to Help You Grow If you don’t measure it, you can’t manage it