Data report Pull Andre Naylor| Account Manager 15 th August 2011 TMS Reports
Step 1 Open The Activity Tags Report “advertiser” txt file N.B. Refer to the Weekly reports Excel sheet to see which advertiser is required
Step 2 1. Open the “Activity Tags advertiser.txt” document from the TMS Reports folder 2. You will find the Account ID, Advertiser ID, Campaign ID and Conversion Tag IDs listed in this text file
Step 3 1. Log into Media mind AU account 3. Select Media Store Post Click Activities report under Reports by Service 2. Go to Analytics
Step 4 1. Insert the Account ID: TMS AU (2756) 2. Insert Advertiser ID: Toyota = Lexus = Insert Campaign ID 4. Insert Activity IDs
Step 5 1. Select the date range from the calendar. Note: make sure that the start and end dates are outside of the Campaign Lifetime to include all conversions eg.Use 1/01/11 to end of the current month i.e. if Aug 13/8/11 2. To generate the report click on Run
Step 6 1. Download the report 2. Save in your local folder named “Data” within the folder of the day’s date, e.g. “ (Thursday)” 3. Name the file the campaign name followed by the date it was generated, e.g. “Retail_Jan_ ”. If there is a previous data file for the campaign simply change the date
Step 7 Please follow the PPT called “FileZilla uploads” to upload data reports to our remote Server. Thanks.