Microsoft for Partners Software Asset Management Briefing
Why are we here?
Retail Certificate of Authenticity (1) Edge to Edge Hologram COA
What We Know (12, 13) Issues Many customers…Many customers… –Confused about licensing –Don’t focus on licensing –Low ROI –Focus when in acquisition mode –Over purchase and/or non-compliant
Customer Licensing Pain %Expressing as Top 3 Pain Points MORG SORG
What We Know Needs And Wants Customers…Customers… –Focus on business value –Want all affairs in order i.e. compliance –Max. ROI from all aspects of solution
Partner Opportunities Issues and Pain/Needs and Wants Software Asset Management
Microsoft for Partners Software Asset Management Nicola Hunnisett Anti-Piracy Marketing
Anti-Piracy Marketing Role and Responsibilities All Partners and CustomersAll Partners and Customers Education & AwarenessEducation & Awareness –Rules for compliance –How to tell –What to do –Tools & resources –Escalation
The Team And Still Growing Nicola HunnisettNicola Hunnisett Colleen BaguleyColleen Baguley Thomas KablauThomas Kablau Kumar ManixKumar Manix TBHTBH
Microsoft’s Approach to Combating Non-Compliance and Piracy Education Enforcement Public Policy
Software Asset Management
Software Asset Management Licensing Principles SAM = People + Software License + ProceduresSAM = People + Software License + Procedures SAM = ROISAM = ROI Structural component of IT strategyStructural component of IT strategy
Software Asset Management Licensing Principles Policy for acquisition/tracking of licensesPolicy for acquisition/tracking of licenses –Throughout entire organisation –Past, present and future –Centralised purchasing and record keeping –Knowledge base of terms and conditions –Regular reviews
Legal Costs and FinesLegal Costs and Fines Damage to ReputationDamage to Reputation No Technical SupportNo Technical Support Software Compatibility IssuesSoftware Compatibility Issues Lost TimeLost Time Risks of Under-Licensing (5)
Software Asset Management (6) Benefits –Get and Stay Compliant –Cost Savings –Work More Efficiently –Justify Investments
What's in it for you?
Software Asset Management Implementation and Results
Consulting, services and productsConsulting, services and products SAM leads to licensing acquisitionsSAM leads to licensing acquisitions Value added driver for non-complianceValue added driver for non-compliance
Software Asset Management Microsoft Activities
Helping Customers with Licensing (11, 15, 16) Changes to programs and productsChanges to programs and products Tools and process enhancementsTools and process enhancements Customer SAM seminars, collateralCustomer SAM seminars, collateral
Combating Piracy (2,4) Anti Piracy Hotline or Piracy Hotline or
Combating Piracy (7) Anti Piracy HotlineAnti Piracy Hotline Structured ProgramStructured Program –Microsoft Enforcement Programs –PR –Relationships with Police and Customs –Reward Programs BSAA – Business Software Association of AustraliaBSAA – Business Software Association of Australia
Legal Environment Corporate Piracy is not Criminal Offence Making or using illegal copies of software for your personal use or at work in a business is a civil offence under the Copyright Act and offenders are liable for:Making or using illegal copies of software for your personal use or at work in a business is a civil offence under the Copyright Act and offenders are liable for: –Damages of an unlimited amount (determined by the Court); –Court costs in many circumstances, which can also be substantial. Corporate Law – Directors LiabilityCorporate Law – Directors Liability –Under Corporate Law in Australia, directors of companies may be held liable for software offences under the Copyright Act even if they are not involved and can face personal legal action.
Recent Actions Recent settlements in following industries:Recent settlements in following industries: –Computer and Software –Consulting –Automotive –Internet Café Info on on
Develop a solid SAM programDevelop a solid SAM program Trusted AdvisorTrusted Advisor Risks of being over/under licensedRisks of being over/under licensed Cost savings, ROICost savings, ROI Talk to Your Customers
Software Asset Management Summary “The right license allows us to provide the best level of functionality to the customer, that is cost effective and maximises ROI.”
Software Asset Management Conclusion Customer PainCustomer Pain –Licensing perceived overly complex –Purchase history & license tracking –Poor licensing knowledge Partner OpportunitiesPartner Opportunities –Software Asset Management –Trusted Advisor
Resources (3, 8, 9) Anti Piracy Hotline or Piracy Hotline or Microsoft Licensing Hotline Microsoft Licensing Hotline Web Sites:Web Sites: Anti-Piracy Business Software Assoc. of Australia Resources for PartnersResources for Partners – Microsoft Software Inventory AnalyzerMicrosoft Software Inventory Analyzer – Copyright & Trademark InformationCopyright & Trademark Information –
Questions? Who gets the Xbox?
Answers 1.COA, edge to edge hologram Legal costs & fines, damage to reputation, no tech support, s/w compatibility issues, lost time. 6.Get & stay compliant, cost savings, work more effeciently, justify investments.
Answers 7.Business Software Association of Australia Open Business 11.eOpen 12.No days
Answers 14.No 15.eOpen 16.Distribution, or use any legal copy as master