Breastfeeding Education For Men! Haley Toltzis Clint Wheeler Allison Schultetus Rachel Longfors
Presented By: The Breastfeeding Resource Center 411 Medical Plaza Lane Gainesville, FL Phone: (352) 377-MILK 24hr hotline: 1800-BREAST-2
Our Agency Services We Provide Counseling Services/support groups Nutrition education Educational Seminars Community Activities Products etc…
Our Staff President Health/Childbirth Educators Lactation consultants Dietitians Child Care Workers Counselors
Why Breastfeeding Ed for MEN? Their unique role is important to the initiation and continuation of breastfeeding. Support Care
“Milk It For All It’s Worth” 4 week program held 4 times a year Tuesday and Thursday nights Meetings at fun places Motivating guest speakers Food, FUN, prizes, and socializing
Brief Overview Why Breastfeed? How to bond with your baby How you can help Post partum depression Sex: Why you aren’t getting any
Why Breastfeed? Many Benefits to mother and baby No preparation Helps mother lose weight Never runs out ITS FREE!!!
How to bond with your baby BABIES DON’T BREAK!!! Hold your baby with or without a shirt on Change the baby’s diaper Bring the baby to your partner for feedings Sing or talk to your baby Give your baby a massage
How You Can Help Make unwanted visitors leave Do the shopping/cooking/chores Make sure mom is comfortable Encourage the Mom to nap Establish good communication Spend time with older children (if any) Most of all, provide emotional support to her
Post Partum Depression A lot of fathers speak of feeling invisible in the first weeks after birth Heightened sense of being a protector Feelings of insecurity Lack of SEX (There are support groups for fathers)
SEX: Why you aren’t getting any Don’t Take it PERSONALLY!!! Breastfeeding is an intense relationship which involves a lot of touching. No sex for first several weeks due to healing
SEX: Why you aren’t getting any Fatigue Sex vs Sleep Try sex in morning or middle of day Pain During Sex Tenderness/lack of lubrication Explore gentle lovemaking that’s more comfortable Sensory Overload Personal space being invaded Do alone activities to unwind and increase sexual desire
SEX: Why you aren’t getting any Emotional Overload Having a baby doesn’t mean your sex life is over! High emotional demands of the baby Making new relationships with the baby puts yours on hold Communication You and your partner will work through it if you communicate and are sensitive to each others needs.
Activity 2 Volunteers for a Role Play activity.
That’s Not All Folks! If you want to learn more or learn about our services, contact the BRC Join us Tuesday and Thursday nights for a four week program just for dad’s. This program is held four times a year.
The End Any Questions?