2012 Unit 3 Review
Explain where and why U.S. earliest cities were located. (44) They were located long the Atlantic coastal ports because of easy access and nearness to water.
What type of climate is found in the United States but not in Canada? (45) Topical wet and Dry
Which of the following terms refers to the basic facilities, services, and support system for a community to function successfully? (41) Infrastructure
Why is the United States a wealthy nation? Because of rich farmlands, minerals, and other natural resources. (43) As discussed in class, why is much of Canada’s urban and industry close to the U.S. border? Because of climate, fertile soils, and rail systems (42)
St. Lawrence Seaway Locks allow oceangoing vessels to sail into the industrial and agricultural heartland of North America Locks are section of a waterway with closed gates where water levels are raised or lowered. This access to waterways and two oceans has given the United States great influence and power in world trade. (38)
How Locks work
Explain how huge vessels sail into the Great Lakes region from the Atlantic Ocean Vessels are able to sail into the Great lakes region thru a series of locks constructed to from the St. Lawrence Seaway (40)
How has the construction of dams and reservoirs benefited the United States and Canada? It has provided electricity, recreation in many areas of each country. (34)
Why do many people of Quebec want independence? to protect their French culture French Settled In the Eastern Part Of Canada (33)
Why is most of Canada’s urban and industrial growth taking place close to the border of the United States? (42)
of the milder climate, fertile soils, and the railway system. (42)
What is NAFTA? North America Free Trade Agreement Who is this agreement with, and what is it about? The agreement is between the United States, Canada, and Mexico, and it allows these three countries to trade freely with one another with limited trade restrictions. (37)
What has allowed urban centers to grow in areas of extreme heat? air conditioning and insulation (35)
U.S. & Canada’s Oil Consumption The United States imports energy, whereas Canada is largely self-sufficient Canada is the U.S. are main trading partners. (46)
Explain how Canada’s federal government is different from the federal government of the United States -Canada has a prime minister, and their Parliament (legislature) is appointed not elected. -United States, the president & congress is elected. (39)
Earthquakes Plates moving in any direction causes earthquakes The worst are caused by plates rubbing past each other as in C This happens along the Californian coast The San Andreas Fault, is located where these plates come together.. (36)
What famous international site seeing water landform is shared by Canada and the United States? Niagra Falls (47)