6.5 Improvements In Interlibrary Loan Available July 2006
New Library Functionality ILL (Interlibrary Loan) Destiny has extended its capabilities to include enhancements to better support interlibrary loans. –Tighter process than previous one Routes materials Status of request is known
Destiny Process for ILL Student Places a Hold Request LMS places a local hold LMS sends request offsite as an ILL request Lending site can decline requests (if declined, Destiny reroutes) ILL requests can be directed to a specific site Destiny can automatically select the site (zoned process) Lending site can pick up or ship items Shipped items can now be checked in/out at the requesting site OR STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3STEP 4
Destiny Process for ILL Select here to see details A hold request has been placed by student
Destiny Process for ILL LMS can: 1.Place a local hold 2.Send request offsite via ILL Default is zoned selection Options: Unassigned Ship it Patron pick up Selecting this option will perform the following: Randomly select a site, first looking for available copies within the Zone configured (sites must allow off-site circulations – zones are not required), otherwise look outside the zone. (random of course) If an available copy can not be found anywhere, a district wide ILL request will wait for the first available copy to appear.
Destiny Process for ILL The request is now “Pending” at Site C – Library Only. Previously Destiny automatically approved off-site requests. Now the lending library can decline a request.
Destiny Process for ILL Lending site can decline, pull copy for patron pickup or ship the item Because the Delivery Method was “Undefined”, both the Pull Copy and Ship It buttons appear. Select Pull Copy when the patron is going to pick up the item. (checkout occurs at the lending library) Select Ship It when the item needs to be sent to the requesting library. In this case, the checkout occurs at the requesting library.
Destiny Process for ILL Item was shipped and is now “En Route”
Destiny Process for ILL Once item is received, the librarian can “Receive” the request. Receiving the item sets the Ready Hold flag The “Remove” button will delete the hold request and mark the item as lost at the lending site
Destiny Process for ILL Shows the status of the item after selecting “Receive”
Destiny Process for ILL If duplicate barcode, both the ILL copy and your local copy will be displayed
Destiny Process for ILL When the ILL copy is checked in, a message appears indicating that the item must be returned to the lending site and its status is changed to “Returning”.
Destiny Process for ILL When the lending site receives the item, select the Receive button.