What is BID Clifton Village? BID Clifton Village is funded by Clifton Village businesses, led by Clifton Village businesses and for the benefit of Clifton Village businesses BID Clifton Village promotes and provides a collective voice for Clifton Village businesses
The benefits of BIDs cited by the businesses they represent can be wide-ranging and include: Businesses decide and direct what they want for the area Businesses are represented and have a voice in issues effecting the area BID levy money is ring-fenced for use only in the BID area Increased footfall Improved staff retention Business cost reduction Area promotion Facilitated networking opportunities with neighbouring businesses Assistance in dealing with BCC, the Police and other public bodies
Who is BID Clifton Village? All BID Clifton Village members (over 300 businesses, including a combination of retailers and offices / other businesses) Board of 7 members, accountable to the wider BID Clifton Village members: Andrew Morgan (Chair), Janet Williams (Treasurer), Alison Bracey, Richard Davis, Simon Harvey, Paul Leonard and Chris Taylor Supported by: Carrie Pooler – BID Clifton Village Manager Rosie Joseland - BID Clifton Village Coordinator
BID Clifton Village continues to: Promote and Enhance Clifton Village Provide a Collective and Influential Voice for Clifton Village businesses Deliver the Clifton Experience
BID Clifton Village has delivered on: Promotional Events to increase awareness and footfall Negotiating on local issues to enhance environment Networking between BID Member
Discover Clifton Village website: designed to promote the Clifton Experience, Clifton businesses and awareness of the Village. 38,000 page views across past 12 monthshttp:// Business Directory – all businesses encouraged to update their details, events, news to keep it informative and live.
Promotion of Clifton Village also through: Local Press Social Media Twitter - important marketing tool. Steady rise in followers (over 1,000) Facebook – now created Events Special Projects
BID Clifton Village Events (Nov 14 - Nov 15) Christmas 2014 – amazing display of Christmas lights, 50 foot tree and many little trees. Lighting Up Ceremony saw large number of residents and visitors coming to Clifton Village
BID Clifton Village Events (Nov 14 - Nov 15) Clifton FoodFest now in 2 nd year, more cafes/restaurants taking place, national and local press coverage with increased footfall. Taster Day particular success
BID Clifton Village Events (Nov 14 - Nov 15) Shaun in the City BID Clifton Village sponsored Shear Speed Helter Skelter who spent the summer in The Mall Gardens and was sold for £8,000. The Auction of 126 Shaun the Sheep sculptures raised over £1m for charities for sick children.
Promoting the Unique Quality of the Village South West in Bloom 2015 Clifton Village were awarded the following:- RHS Pennant Award - Gold Outstanding Neighbourhood Award - The Mall Gardens - The Town Green
Additional Initiatives by BID Clifton: Signage - success in pitching for additional funding from Neighbourhood Partnership. We have worked behind the scene to design a map and signage to better direct people around Clifton Village. Awareness - free first half hour parking signs.
Using our Collective Voice to Tackle Local Issues Parking – Successfully negotiated changes to original proposals; Increase to 3 hours parking Alternative transport links added Small increase in business permit numbers for larger employing businesses Installation of Free First Half Hour Parking signs We continue to work closely with businesses and BCC to negotiate further tweaks at the RPS Review stage; Through consultation and gathering evidence, our recommendations for: Earlier end time Balance of pay & display and permit spaces, particularly in hot spots Increase in business permits Improvements to transport links for visitors / staff
Benefits for BID Clifton Village Members: Breakfast Clubs to facilitate business networking (employment law, PR and social media, update on Christmas, feedback and networking) Newsletters & Annual Leaflet to members Options for reducing business costs and improving efficiencies We seek your feedback on what gives you most added value
Finances – 2013/14
Finances – 2014/15
Finances – 2015/16
Using our Collective Voice for Clifton Village Businesses to: Improve Awareness of and Access to the Village Increasing profile of Clifton Village through Discover Clifton and other websites (including Visit Bristol), through social media and marketing, Positive working with BCC (eg to address local issues on behalf of local businesses) Signage – Distributing maps and improving awareness of getting around Clifton Village and what it offers
Using our Collective Voice for Clifton Village Businesses to: Maintain the Unique Quality of the Village Clifton in Bloom European Green Capital initiative – bee friendly planting and information in Clifton Village Continued conversations on developments and upkeep of Clifton Village Continued negotiations on new initiatives (e.g. open market)
Using our Collective Voice for Clifton Village Businesses to: Develop positive and constructive relationships with Strategic Partners to help achieve our ambitions; Our strategic partners, particularly Bristol City Council, Destination Bristol, British BIDs, Other business networks and local networks (CHIS, Neighbourhood Partnership, Bristol West) Promote and enhance the Clifton Village experience, encourage others to help Clifton Village businesses to thrive and contribute to Bristol’s overall future
Promoting The Village: Wider Promotion 1 to 1’s with tourist boards to promote the website to a wider audience Continued development of Discover Clifton website and business directory Further social media, marketing and PR Key Events to Encourage Footfall Christmas Lights 2015 Clifton Village Advent Windows Clifton Village Bee Friendly Initiative Easter, Summer and Winter events being planned (many ideas but we want views of BID members as part of planning 2016 programme) Introduction of Monthly Open Market (being explored)
Added Value: Clifton Breakfast Club – quarterly business network meetings your views sought on topics (further PR workshops, Police initiative, tax issues, other?) Seeking out additional funding to do more for businesses in Clifton Village Updates on further efficiencies / business cost reductions
BID Clifton Village is funded by, led by and for the benefit of the businesses in Clifton Village: We welcome your thoughts and encourage you to get involved as: A board member An active business helping with BID CV activities and promotions and getting involved in informal CV networks between businesses Feeding back your views to inform future planning of work and holding us all to account
Q&A Session