October 1-2 I can make inferences. I can use semicolons correctly. I can demonstrate my knowledge of denotation of words. I can use context clues. I can analyze and synthesize literary devices. I can practice test taking strategies.
Edit the following for commas, semicolons, apostrophes, titles, and usage. Incidentally two of comedian, Charlie Chaplins, finest funniest movies are City Lights (1931), and The Gold Rush (1925). According to the New York Times Mickey mantle legendary center fielder for the New York Yankees ranks among the leading home run hitters in baseball In our family Christine, who is seventeen, plays the guitar, Julie who is fifteen, plays the trombone, and Maxine who is only nine plays the bassoon. Jenny who rarely finds fault with anything criticized the food the company and the entertainment yet the rest of us were quite content.
Of Mice and Men For 15 minutes, you can read in Of Mice and Men Complete chapters 3-4 study guide Read chapter 6 for homework (this will mean you finish the book)
You will have 15 minutes in each station. Where there is more than one copy of an assignment, everyone gets a copy and can write on the page. If there is only one copy of an assignment, then each member must write on their own paper. Stations 1.Cheyenne, Michael C., Richard, Jordan 2.Johnathan, January, Terry, Tianna 3.Michelle, Jackson, Haley, Michael M. 4.Angelia, Brian, Tasha, Shelly L. 5.Ashley, Isaiah, David, Katie B. 6.Denissa, Kaleb, Marissa, Shelly S. 7.Kaitlyn, Freddy, Elizabeth, Faith A Block Groups
adversitya difficult situation or condition; a state or instance of serious difficulty asylumprotection given by a government to someone who has left another country in order to escape being harmed; a place of retreat and safety demagoguea political leader who tries to get support by making false claims and promises and using arguments based on emotion rather than reason extenuatinglessening or trying to lessen the seriousness or extent of by making partial excuses ephemerallasting a very short time optimisma feeling or belief that good things will happen in the future : a feeling or belief that what you hope for will happen reverentshowing a lot of respect; very respectful; honor or respect felt or shown; profound, adoring, awed respect Vocabulary