WELCOME! LOOK AT OUR BW FOR WEDNESDAY: [4 min] With your table, make a list of “fluff” words on the white boards. “Fluff” words are words that are unnecessary in your paper. [5 min] Create a list as a class to post on the wall
AGENDA Yesterday we took notes to help us better understand MLA format. If you were absent, find the handouts in the red folder and the information on the blog. Today we will go to the library for two purposes. (1) You may find a book that will help with your research topic. (2) You may find a book for your SSR reading. Library rules: no food/drinks, no talking in hallway or library, listen to the librarian, be respectful, stay on task Evaluating sources on the INTERNETS! CRAAP test video Yes, take notes in writing resources section! Create CRAAP sheet to evaluate two websites:
Exit Time Create CRAAP sheet to evaluate two websites: eatment.htm On your whiteboard, finish this sentence: I would choose the _______ website to use as a resource because______________________________.