Ms. Omentum 95 Students 3 sections of Grade 7 Life Science with 25, 23, 25, students respectively, 1 section of Grade 8 Physical Sciences with 22 students No State- provided growth measure currently exists for the NYS Gr8 ILS Test Largest course/assessment combination is Gr. 7 with a total of 73 students so one SLO must cover/be developed for these classes; since 73/95 is 77% which represents >50% and is considered the majority of this teacher’s 95 students (must use district developed common assessment as evidence in the SLO) Q: What about the other class of students in Gr 8? A: This is an option that could be considered for local measure of student growth/achievement
Sample Science SLO’s Ms. Omentum Student Learning Objective Populati on Grade 7 Life Science; all 73 students (see attached roster with baseline student information) Learning Content New York State Learning Standards for Intermediate Level Science: Living Environment. All intermediate level Living Environment Standards and Performance Indicators will be focused on during the interval of instruction IntervalSeptember-June Evidence1.District-wide common pre-assessment administered at the beginning of the school year. 2.District-wide common summative assessment will be administered in June 2013 Baseline1.Scores ranged from 8% to 42% on the District-wide pre-assessment (Please see attachment for student roster with all baseline data). Target(s) and HEDI Scoring 1.) Student targets will be measured by the District-wide common summative assessment in June 2013 grouped as follows: A. 90% of students who scored 0-20% on baseline will score 65% or higher B. 90 % of students who scored 21-30% on baseline will score 75% or higher C. 90 % of students who scored 31-40% on baseline will score 85% or higher D. 90% of students who scored 41 + on baseline will score 95% or higher Highly Effective: 91% + make group target Effective: 80-90% make target Developing: 50-79% make group target Ineffective: 0-49% make group target Highly Effective (18-20 pts) Effective (9-17 pts) Developing (3-8pts) Ineffective (0-2pts) % % % 87 % 86 % 85 % 84 % 83 % 82 % 81 % 80 % % % % % % % % % 0%0%
RationaleThe diagnostic pre-assessment is focused on the performance indicators and major understandings that all students must demonstrate proficiency with in order to be successful on the District-wide common summative assessment at the end of the year. Since 100% of students demonstrated understanding of less than 42% of the content/process skills, my goal is to provide them with differentiated instruction (embedded with elements of the Common Core for ELA and Math as appropriate within the science standards) to ensure proficiency on the summative assessment in June, In addition, we will monitor/evaluate progress towards meeting this goal via a common quarter 2 and quarter 3 assessment to guide subsequent instruction/instructional needs. The overarching rationale is to ensure that students are prepared for the transition to Grade 8 Science, and for advanced courses of study in the life sciences as they enter high school (Regents Living Environment, Honors, AP Biology) and ultimately for college and career readiness. Ms. Omentum’s SLO continued….
Science SLO Overall Growth Component Rating (20) SAMPLE Ms. Omentum SLO SUBJECTTarget (as approved by evaluator)Actual ResultEvaluator SLO Score 2 Grade 7 Science Sections with 73 students A. 90% of students who scored 0- 20% on baseline will score 65% or higher B. 90 % of students who scored % on baseline will score 75% or higher C. 90 % of students who scored % on baseline will score 85% or higher D. 90% of students who scored 41 + on baseline will score 95% or higher A.88% of group A scored 65 or better B.91% of group B scored 75 or better C.82% of group C scored 85 or better D.84% of group D scored 95 or better A=17 B= 18 C= 11 D= 13 _____________ 59/4 HEDI score = 15 Overall Growth Component Rating (20) SLO 1SLO 2 Step 1: Assess results of each SLO separately 15/20 NA Step 2: Weight each SLO proportionately NA Step 3: Calculate proportional points for each SLO NA OVERALL GROWTH COMPONENT SCORE (20) = 15 Points EFFECTIVE