METEO 003 Section 2 Sreece Goldberger Office hours: Thursday 12-2 or by appointment Location: 530 Walker
Review of Assignment 1
Problem 7a, b: use graph paper or Microsoft Excel Don’t forget to label title, axis, legend, etc. Interpret the graph you make in part a for part b Problem 10a, b: Clouds radiate in all directions Downwelling Radiation – downward emission of infrared energy Carefully read axis/axis labels of graphs The picture on the right is on pg 64, the discussion there may be useful Chapter 2
Chapter 2: Problem 11a, b: IR Satellite Image Upwelling Radiation Why is scale showing temperature for an Infrared Satellite Image? Stefan-Boltzmann equation (E = σT 4 ) Visible Satellite ImageInfrared Satellite Image
Chapter 2: Problem 13a, c, d: UV Index – measurement of the strength of ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun at a particular place and time Table on page 81 not 83 Reference:
Chapter 3: Problem 1 Use State College latitude as 40.8N Reference pg. 86 Equinoxes: Autumnal and Vernal Solstices: Summer and Winter Determine the maximum altitude of the sun Example: Need to know: Latitude of your location: 39N Latitude at which sun is directly overhead: 10N Difference = 39N – 10N = 29° *Note: be careful when latitudes are in different hemispheres Maximum altitude of the sun = 90° – D = 90° - 29° = 61°
Chapter 3 Problem 4, 6, and 9a,b,c: Continental locations have larger seasonality than coastal regions Prevailing winds off the water result in less seasonality than off the land
EXAMPLE Average January High Temperature (F) Average July High Temperature (F) Seasonality (F) City City City Answer Choices:Oakland, CAKansas City, MOSavannah, GA City 2 City 1 City 3
Assignment 2 due Sept. 12 Chapter 2 – 7a,b, 10a,b, 11a,b, 13a,c,d Chapter 3 – 1, 4, 6, 9a,b,c Useful Equations From pg. 57, the Stefan-Boltzmann equation E = σT 4 Maximum altitude of the sun = 90° – Difference