Unio Norway The Confederation of Unions for Professionals 300 000 members, 10 unions.


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Presentation transcript:

Unio Norway The Confederation of Unions for Professionals members, 10 unions

Union of Education Norway members:

The Norwegian Nurses Organisation members:

Association of Researchers members:

Norwegian Police Federation members:

Norwegian Physiotherapy Association members: 9238

Norwegian Association of Occupational Therapists members: 3422

Akademikerforbundet members: 2937

Presteforeningen members: 2593

Skatterevisorenes forening members: 504

Norwegian association of deacons members: 485

Unio is a political independent Confederation

4 Confederations in Norway

What is our main area of interests? Salary-negotiations and working conditions for our members Knowledge, research og capacity-building Social responsibility International work and solidarity

International involvement:

Unio and the EEA-grants: The fund is a result of pressure from the Norwegian social partners Decent work is a precondition for any sustainable economic development Unio wants to contribute – but we have not capacity to participate in projects on a large scale We would like to contribute with help, knowledge and information to our trade union friends As we mainly represent public sectors employees, it is natural for us to have focus on this groups in the different countries.