B OARD G AMES G O T O T HE M OVIES Josh Peschka Kyli Milender
S ALES Board game sales are low Hasbro teaming with studios to make movies 5% of ticket sales
C OMPETITION Hasbro slow to digitalized Zynga has mobile market controlled
M OVIES Transformers success $3 Billion BattleshipBattleship $200 million worldwide Making other board game movies Candyland, Monopoly, etc.
M ARKETING Product placement Market one movie in another Advertising mobile games Bundling games
D ISCUSSION Does anyone plan on seeing other toy/board game movies? Is this a good idea? Will it grow old fast? Do you think this will help the sales of other products?
S OURCES 10/hasbro-board-games-go-to-the-movies