Commissioning Leader:Thank you for giving so generously of your time and gifts, for faithfully serving, even when it was not convenient. God called you into a building partnership. Through you, with the gifts that God has equipped you with, God has been building Mennonite Church Canada as a “Spiritual house”, a church. A church built on Christ the one foundation, built to last. God will continue to bless your dedication and labour.
Left: We thank you for responding to God’s call. Right: We thank you for offering your talents and time. Left: We thank you for your gifts of discernment and wise leadership. Right: We thank you for your grace and generosity. Together: We thank you for your commitment and labor of love.
Leader:We pray together that God will continue to multiply and bless the work of your hands so that the blessing will flow to the far corners of the globe. Leader:God has called and equipped you to serve together in the building of the church. We affirm you for your willingness to answer God’s call. The Scripture says, “Let yourselves be built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. Build our spiritual house on the solid rock so that it will be built to last.
Congregation:Have you heard God’s call to the work of building the church? Elected and Appointed leaders:We have responded to God’s call.
Congregation:Will you seek to work using the gifts that God has supplied for the building of the church? Will you serve with humility, regarding each other as gifts of God and will you up-hold one another in support and prayer? Elected & Appointed leaders:God helping us we will. Will you as brothers and sisters in the community of faith support us as we serve?
Together:O Lord of the church, you have called us and equipped us for your service in a broken world. Build us together to be a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, that we may bring beauty for brokenness, offering ministry and service to one another and to those who are across our streets and around our world. Send us, O Lord, to the congregations, conference and areas of ministry to which you have called us. Give us courage and endurance. Build among us a unity that will outlast our differences. Enable us to love one another with the love of Christ.
Leader: O lord our God, you have blessed us to be a blessing. Bless these words of covenant that we have spoken today. Send us out with joy to do your bidding.