Janene Cox – Assistant Director – Culture and Libraries Staffordshire County Council Summer Reading Challenge Conference 13 November 2009
“So what has the Summer Reading Challenge done for Staffordshire Libraries?”
Our Aims:- Articulate our contribution Evidence our value Define our core business Define our target audience Position ourselves as central to the Directorate’s agenda Tell a good story
Our starting point:- Opted out of the 2003 and 2004 challenge Low children’s fiction issues Even lower satisfaction rates No presence in the Directorate Improvement Plan or the County’s Community Strategy We had staff who ‘did not do children’!
The Summer Reading Challenge Clarity about what we wanted to achieve Belief in the importance of what we were doing Mapped the challenge against key objectives and targets Confidence and tenacity – advocacy isn’t a campaign it’s a way of life! Deliver on the promise Over deliver on the promise!
“What has the Summer Reading Challenge done for us?” Enabled us to tell a fantastic story Demonstrated that the library offer is credible, important and makes a difference Embedded our service in key strategic and delivery plans at County, Directorate and District level. Enabled our stakeholders and partners to understand and value our role
And today…….. Recognise and celebrate the partnership Inform and shape the future of the challenge Share best practice Identify partners and their budgets Believe that we make a difference
‘I believe that I am better….’