I CAN: read and analyze expository text, make inferences and draw conclusions. Do Now- KNOWSYS Set #8 & Homework Packet Reading: “38 Saw Murder” Pre-Reading Questions Anticipation guide Story Vocabulary Video- “Bystander Effect” Homework: Vocabulary Group 8 CBA Next Wed and Thur November 5, 2012 QUESTIONS Why do bystanders sometimes take no action to stop violence? Would it make a difference if an authority figure (principal, police) were present?
I CAN: read and analyze expository text, make inferences and draw conclusions. Do Now: KNOWSYS Set #8 Homework Packet & ISN housekeeping Reading: “38 Saw Murder” Partner Reading Margin Notes/Highlighting Expository Questions Homework: Vocabulary Group 8 CBA Next Wed and Thur November 6, 2012 QUESTIONS How does “38” relate to the essay you wrote for Do the Write Thing? If you were a bystander when Kitty was attacked, what would you have done?
I CAN: read and analyze expository text, make inferences and draw conclusions. CBA #1- Reading Homework: Vocabulary Group 8 CBA Next Wed and Thur November 7 & 8, 2012
I CAN: read and analyze expository text, make inferences and draw conclusions. Do Now- KNOWSYS #8 Quiz Reading: “38 Saw Murder” Open Ended Responses TLQ strategy November 9, 2012