Aim: What are the main characteristics of amphibians and how are they adapted for living on land? OBJ: Given activity sheet SWBAT state the main characteristics of amphibians and how are they adapted for living on land with 70% accuracy. DN: HW Check- Fishes Act. Sheet ACT: Introduction to Amphibians (notes) Text, read p , Complete Amphibians Act. Sheet HW: Complete Amphibians Act. Sheet; Work on Vertebrate Review Sheets & Animal Activity Sheet, Vertebrate Exam, Dec. 3.
Amphibian Characteristics ectothermic: cold-blooded juvenile life: water (gills), movement: fins 1 loop circulatory system, 2 chamber heart, herbivores adult life: land (lungs) but reproduce in water; thin, moist skin movement: skeleton with muscle, leaping 2 loop circulatory system, 3 chamber heart, camouflage carnivores Example: frog/toad, (loss of tail), external fertilization salamander (tail), internal fertilization caecilians (no legs, no scales)
Amphibian: From Water to Land Threat of Extinction Population decline due to: 1] habitat destruction 2] pesticides / chemical pollutants – harms delicate skin, tadpole mutations, kills eggs Amphibian (Bill Nye) Video:
Toads & Frogs
Salamanders & Newts
Frog Lifecycle