TYPES OF PARKING Parking facilities may be divided into ON-STREET PARKING OR KERB PARKING OFF-STREET PARKING On-street Parking Or Kerb Parking Vehicles are parked on Kerbs Common methods of on-street parking are Parallel Parking 30̊ angle parking 45̊ angle parking 60̊ angle parking Right angle parking
Parallel Parking
Perpendicular Parking
60 Angle Parking
45 Angle Parking
30 Angle Parking
ON-STREET PARKING OR KERB PARKING Parallel Parking Consumes maximum Kerb length. Width requirement is less. So preferably used in narrow streets. Parking & Unparking operations are difficult. Right Angle Parking Consumes Minimum kerb length is consumed. accommodates max. no. of vehicles.
ON-STREET PARKING OR KERB PARKING As parking angle increases , Length of streets required reduces. Width of streets required increases. Angle parking is more convenient than parallel parking. Delay to traffic is minimum. Results in more accidents than parallel parking.
OFF-STREET PARKING When parking is provided at a separate place away from the kerb, it s known as off-street parking. Advantage-No congestion & delay. Drawback- owners have to walk a greater distance after parking the vehicle.
OFF-STREET PARKING Types of off-street Parking Surface car parks Multi-storey car parks Roof parks Mechanical car parks Underground car parks
SURFACE CAR PARKS Parking lots may be located where sufficient space is available at comparatively low cost. Consumes too much area. The area should be close to major parking generators such as office complex, shopping centers, airport and railway terminals etc The parking area should be served by good access roads.
MULTI-STOREY CAR PARKS Adopted in places where surface car parking cannot be adopted due to lack of land availability and high cost of land. constructed to park large no. of cars at a time. Designed for a capacity of about 400-500 cars. Larger capacity increases time for unparking the car. About five floors is the upper limit. Interfloor travel facility is by elevators or Ramps. Ramps are made one-way. Car parking floors, ramps, entrance & exit should be well lighted.
ROOF PARKS Access ramps or Mechanical lifts provide access to roofs. For economy, Many roofs are linked together by a single access ramp. Extra cost required for designed roof tops and structural elements for the parking load.
MECHANICAL CAR PARKS Lifting of cars from floor to floor by lifts, transfer of cars to and from parking stalls by wheeling or mechanically operated transfer dollies. Elimination of ramps-more economical in space. Disadvantage- Higher maintenance cost Possibility of breakdown due to mechanical or power failure.
Parking By Mechanical Lifters
UNDERGROUNG CAR PARKS Parks are built in the basement of any multi-storeyed building or below open spaces. Costly due to large quantities of excavation, ventilation & lighting etc. Advantage- Do not affect aesthetics of a place.