Feathering Cutouts 1.Use the Rectagle Tool to cut out an area just as you would a regular cut out. 2.Set the pixels for 15 on the feathering tool. 3.Hit delete as many times as necessary to get the desired amount of cutout.
Using Layers The Background Layer always goes on the bottom. The front most layer should always go on top etc. You may add layers by going to the New Layer button on the bottom of the Layer Palett. Use the “EYE” icons on the left side of each layer to see that particular layer on the screen or not. You may change the order at any time. To make the layer “SEE THROUGH” just adjust the opacity on the layer menu.
Making a background that is not a picture 1.Select Foreground and Background colors from the Color Swatch (below zoom tool) 2.Go to FILTER---RENDER---CLOUDS 3.Also try FILTER---RENDER--LENS FLARE 4.Cut Out a section of the background if you would like to make a frame. 5.You could also make it “See Through”
1.File--New to create a layer 2.Select 12 in by 12 inch and Transparent background. 3.Import a picture 4.Go to “Window”---”Animation” 5.“Duplicate” Button Makes one frame. 6.“Tween” Button Makes many frames. 7.Chose the amount of time you would like for each frame to show up. 8.Save as web and devices. 9.Save as GIF 10.Right Click---Open with Firefox to watch without I-Movie. Animating in Photoshop (2 pages)
Animating-Moving around Screen 1.Do Steps 1-4 on previous page 2.Select where you would like the animation to start. 3.Select where you would like the animation to end. 4.Select the amount of frames and the time you would like each to show.