MOTION TWEEN - ZIG ZAG Studio 8 1. Open Motion Tween file Save As: MotionTween Zig Zag 2. Upper-right corner Choose Fit in Window
3. Move the Scrubber to frame 5 4. Use the Selection tool (black arrow) Move the blue box to the right side of the Stage
5. Move the Scrubber to frame Move the blue box to the lower left side of the Stage
7. Move the Scrubber to frame Move the blue box to the lower right side of the Stage
10. Export Movie - (Animated GIF), name file: Motion Tween Zig Zag Open your Powerpoint Flash Assignments presentation Insert Picture: Motion Tween Zig Zag.gif onto a new slide Title the slide: Motion Tween Zig Zag 9. Move the Scrubber to frame 25 Move the box to the upper-left of the Stage. Test your animation (Enter or Ctrl-Enter). Save file