Electric Circuits An electric circuit controls the flow of __________ ______________. There are _____ parts in a simple electric circuit: A _____________ of electric energy which supplies the current. An ______________________ to convert electrical energy to a different type of energy. A _______________________ to control the flow of electric current. A __________________________________ to connect all parts of the circuit together.
Parts of an Electric Circuit In the circuit we made in the Quick Lab, which parts correspond to the: Source? Control switch? Conductor? Load?
Checkpoint! Try not to use your notes!! How is current electricity different from static electricity? What is an electric circuit? List three components of an electric circuit. What is the difference between an electrolyte and an electrode? Why should dry cells be recycled rather than thrown in the trash?
Match It Up! You and your partner (who’s sitting beside you) will be using your noggins to match up each electric circuit to its corresponding description. You have about 10 minutes to complete this task. We will then take this up as a class!!
Answers to ‘Match It Up’
Use That Acquired Knowledge! Now, take that knowledge you gleaned from the previous activity and extend it to fill out your Electrical Symbols sheet with drawings of the symbols of each of the components of an electric circuit.
Some Key Definitions Switch – Fuse – Circuit breaker – Load – Resistor – Ammeter – Voltmeter –
Electrical Symbols Answers
The Rules: Drawing Circuit Diagrams __________________________ – drawing made with symbols that shows the components and connections in a circuit You MUST remember the following TIPS when creating your circuit diagrams: Always use a ruler to draw straight lines for the ___________________________________________. Make right-angle corners so that your finished diagram is a _________________________.