Innovative Education, Service, and Communication Wayne State College, November 15 th, 2015 Prepared by KKΨ District Council
Today is going to be a brainstorming day! We’re going to come up with new ideas that chapters across the Midwest District can use. These ideas will be shared in the Midwest District Dropbox for your chapters and other chapters to see and use. Take these ideas home and brainstorm with your chapter! Personal growth: how you can be a part of this whole Kappa Kappa Psi thing!
Every brother has a role in PM education Do you want to be (or are you)… a Big Brother? a friend of a future PM? Education applies to you outside of Kappas! At some point in your life, you’ll probably be a teacher. An academic tutor- A workplace mentor A parent or aunt/uncle- A camp counselor A coach- A neighbor to a child
Who is involved in your teaching process? Vice President Big Brothers Membership committee All chapter members Why is it important for more than one person to be involved?
Write down one thing you wish would have been different/better during your education process. Now, write down one way you could make it better for future PM classes.
Challenges the membership education program faces?
One way we can improve membership education is to improve PM experience in it – get them more involved!
Responsibilities of Membership National/District/Chapter organization Leadership Brotherhood Initiation – Ritual -> No secrets! We’ll put the results on the Dropbox for all chapters to use!
Write down one or two ways to make teaching this part of the MEP more effective.
Host a mock meeting for PMs to run, or better yet, let them shadow current officers and run a chapter meeting! Get PMs involved on existing committees, service projects, speaking up in meetings Have brothers share how they live their Kappa Kappa Psi values everyday
Why does Kappa Kappa Psi exist? What makes us unique? Different from other Greek organizations? Other MUSIC Greek organizations? Tau Beta Sigma? Why is band important? How is it different from choir? Orchestra?
Everyone will have different answers. Some possible ones: We exist to bring people together who want to make band better We support IN – we are all part of the bands we serve
What kind of service projects do we do now? What kind of service can ONLY we do?
From Christine Beason’s “Musicianship as Service” workshop Functional: handing out water, tightening stands Quality: improving level of musicianship Organizing extra practices Sight reading bands
We’re going to brainstorm service projects that fit our values. What kind of obstacles might chapters face with these new projects? How can we help our chapters overcome these?
Participation in band! On an individual level, we can’t overlook the importance of this. Host extra practices – make it into a game Invite Music Ed majors to conduct a reading band Concerts at community events (marathons, children’s hospitals, etc.)
From “Difficult Conversations” (Stone, Patton, Heen) (notes by Jim Force) The Dilemma: Avoiding the problem causes feelings to fester and misses out on chances to improve the situation Confronting the problem may make things worse
From a “message delivery stance” Proving a point Giving an opinion Getting our way To a “learning stance” Understanding what happened from the other’s point of view
msMzlF7o Brene Brown, The Power of Vulnerability
“Courageous conversations involve being vulnerable, hearing what others need and being clear about your needs and thoughts honestly. These sorts of conversations create lasting change. From seeking to understand and being open with others, attitudes and visions are improved.”
Each group will receive a slip with a difficult situation on it. Discuss how you would handle this situation in your chapter.
Write about one or more of these prompts. You will NOT be asked to share these; be as personal as you wish.
What is something you are afraid to speak out about? What do you fear will happen if you do? Think of something you feel guilty or shameful about that isn’t in your control. How do you deal with it? How does it affect your everyday life and your relationship with brothers? What is a hope or a dream you have for the future? Do you have reservations or fears about it? What are they? What if you don’t ever reach these aspirations? How can you overcome the reservations you?
Who is involved in what you wrote about? Can sharing this with the right person improve communication or clear up misunderstandings or guilt? Take another five minutes and write about who would be the right person to share your reflection with.
More resources: opbox/KKPsi%20Helpful%20Resources opbox/KKPsi%20Helpful%20Resources YOU can help add to these resources: send us ideas your chapter brainstorms!