Reintegrating with Partners Module Two
Activity: Rubber Band Hand Rules: You may NOT use… 1. Your other hand 2. Any other body part 3. Any object
Agenda Re-establishing Connections Celebrating Changes Operational Stress Restoring Intimacy
Activity: Three Doors What was the most difficult part of deployment? What do you miss most about your partner? How do you want to celebrate homecoming?
Intimacy Open Communication Deployment Homecoming Relationship Play when you want to … 1.Feel closer 2.Improve Communication 3.Have fun together
Balancing Time v v v v Alone TimeCouple TimeFamily Time Don’t feel guilty or fear that love is lost Get a baby sitter and ask relatives to visit after you had a chance to reunite Balance time with children and extended family
Activity: Homecoming Changes Emotional Home Environment Daily Routines Personal Children Social
Discussing Change What support do you need? What makes you uncomfortable? How is this change positive? How can you accept this change?
Finding Common Ground How will this change make our relationship stronger? What has not changed that is more important than what did change?
Operational Stress Control Operational Stress Changes in physical or mental functioning or behavior resulting from military operations other than combat (peacetime)
Not stress-free, but mission ready Reacting to life’s normal stressors May have trouble sleeping or increased irritability Mild and reversible Temporarily non-mission ready May be more stress than your service member can handle alone Seek help Medical attention is required Can only be diagnosed by healthcare professionals Stress Continuum Model REDORANGEYELLOWGREEN
REDORANGEYELLOWGREEN OSC Stress Zones Calm, steady and confident Ethical and moral behavior Stays fit, eats and sleeps well Sense of humor Socially and spiritually active Limits alcohol Gets job done Respects others Anxious, fearful, sad, angry, grouchy, irritable or mean Cuts corners Negative or pessimistic Loses interests energy or enthusiasm Trouble concentrating Excessive behaviors Loses control of emotions and thinking Nightmares, sleep problems, obsessive thinking Feels guilt, shame, panic or rage Abuses alcohol and/or drugs Changes in appearance or behavior Loses moral values Orange symptoms that do not improve within several weeks Stress injuries that worsen over time Stress injuries that return after improving
Chaplain Chain of command Command Ombudsman Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) Military OneSource Naval Center for Combat and Operational Stress Control OSC Resources
Additional OSC Resources
Types of Intimacy Discuss feelings, frustrations or anxieties Do what you did when you first fell in love Start with touch Communicate your love Talk about sex Prioritize intimacy
Activity: Intimacy Journals Offer two suggestions to help overcome their challenges What is creating the stress or anxiety about intimacy?
Court before homecoming day Make “love” every day Expect intimacy to be awkward Tell your partner you love and appreciate them Respect and trust each other Tips from Couples
Homecoming Workshops Date: Time: Location: General Homecoming Brief Date: Time: Location: Date: Time: Location: Homecoming for Teens Just for Kids
Financial Planning Workshops Upcoming workshops: Date: xxxxx Time: xxxxx Location:xxxxx
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