Let’s Share Research! Public involvement in the dissemination of research
Aims Aims: Why do members of the public need to be involved in dissemination? What are the issues, benefits and challenges of involving members of the public in sharing research findings? How can they be involved?
Your experiences Have you shared research findings with the public? Have you involved patients and members of the public when disseminating research findings? How did you do this? What worked well? Were there any difficulties?
Why involve the public in dissemination? Ethical reasons Help summarise research findings in clear user-friendly language Ensure that information is accessible to a public audience Think of creative ways to engage the public Share results with their networks ‘Be noisy’ – create demand
How can I involve the public? Actively involve and engage with people throughout the research process: Ownership Knowledge Include funding for public involvement in dissemination in grant application Allocate funding for summaries and postage in grant application Developing dissemination and impact plans Presenting at conferences Speaking to patients, support groups and service providers Co-authors Acknowledge contribution Provide appropriate training and support
PROUD Study – PrEP as a public health intervention for gay men Two films: Interviews with people who took part in the trial, doctors, scientists, public health experts and community advocates 'Voices of the Participants' exploring the experiences of three of the participants
University of Leeds initiative Research journals hard to access, cost, specialised language Aims to improve communication of medical research to non-specialists: Reviewing what is good/bad about how existing research is communicated (e.g. newspapers, videos on internet) Compiling new and better ways to communicate research
Other examples…. PAtient-Centred Trials (PACT) CHOICE
Scenarios Two scenarios Use the dissemination planner to develop a dissemination strategy
Useful links and resources Involving members of the public in disseminationINVOLVE Briefing note eight: Disseminating research In the Loop PROUD study Involving members of the public as co-authorshttp://emahsn.org.uk/images/resource- hub/PPI%20documents/How%20to%20guidance/How_to_involve_people_as_co- authors.pdfhttp://emahsn.org.uk/images/resource- hub/PPI%20documents/How%20to%20guidance/How_to_involve_people_as_co- authors.pdf Plain English summaries summaries/ summaries/ Developing a dissemination strategyhttps://depts.washington.edu/ccph/pdf_files/CARE_Dissemination_Strategies_ FINAL_eversion.pdfhttps://depts.washington.edu/ccph/pdf_files/CARE_Dissemination_Strategies_ FINAL_eversion.pdf Training and support NIHR Research Design Service North West: involvement-in-research
North West People in Research Forum contact details Phone: Website: