Stepping across the digital divide
21 st Century Learner Creative thinkers Independent enquirers Reflective learners Effective participators Self-managers Team workers Responsible citizens
21 st Century Learning Pupil Achievement Personalised Learning Learning Platform + VLE
Change Management VisionSkillsIncentivesResources Action Plan Change=
Consultation ICT Strategy Group ICT Teaching and Learning Forum SLT HoDs HoYs Staff School Council Governors Parents
Issues Motivate learners ECM / Personalising learning Improve communication and collaboration Cross curriculum innovation 55,000 documents in shared area Access to data
Vision Portal+ (Learning Platform) will act as a gateway for communication and collaboration between students, parents and staff and transform the school into a learning community. To develop Kaleidos (VLE) as a teaching and learning tool for use both within and outside the classroom.
Training RM trainer ICT Strategy group In-house training programme Champion departments ‘Getting Started’ guides VLE coaches Student coaches Parent ICT skills
Implementation plan ( ) Home computer and broadband surveys ICT Strategic Group Identify training requirements Champion departments Interest groups VLE resource management Switch off school intranet
Implementation plan ( ) Pilot student group VLE course building Parents’ Information Evening Homework / E-portfolios VLE coaches Assessment module Learning Platform and VLE evaluation
Implementation plan ( ) Induction programme Student coaches ICT Teaching and Learning Forum Parent access Merlin Fuse Target setting and monitoring
Success Criteria Students become independent learners Improved in student motivation Positive staff/parent feedback Improvement in student achievement Wider community involvement
Future developments Projects Diplomas New technology Farmor’s TV Clusters / Partnerships International links Adult learning Reporting Transition