Since November letters or comments have been submitted from: Natural Resource Defense Council Suja Lowenthal, Long Beach City Councilmember 2 nd District (proposed project’s district) Los Cerritos Wetland Trust Bonnie Lowenthal, California Assemblymember 70 th District Sierra Club, Long Beach Chapter—present today Palacio Del Mar Homeowner’s Association Park Regency Condominium Owner’s Association Cory Briggs, Esq.- Briggs Law Corporation Over 750 signatures collected Over 35 members of community present on this one issue at Long Beach Commission Meeting in March.
Deny Application for CDP No An approval of a hotel project in this specific plan area contravenes the language and intent of the LCP since the three existing motels are explicitly preserved because they provide affordable accommodations for persons of low and moderate income. Interpreting hotels and motels to be the same is legally incorrect according to the LBC Zoning Regulations, and also in practice. Coastal Commission precedent that interprets hotels and motels as the same essentially changes the specific plan in which this hotel is located without giving the neighbors a chance to comment on a legislative change, and without examining CEQA impacts. Access is better served by respecting this language in the LCP, preserving existing motel use districts, and encouraging this type of preservation language in other LCPs. The Coastal Act is better served when LCP language is respected, or amended in an open and fair process.
Language and Intent of LCP Ocean Boulevard Planned Development District 5 at page 1. General Development and Use Standards Use. All uses in this plan area shall be multi-family residential. Existing motel sites shall be retained in motel use. The Pacific Coast Club site, if the designated cultural landmark building is maintained, may be used for hotel, retail, office or private club uses. Bluff Community Plan (Area A) in LCP at page III-A-10 Recreation and Visitor Serving Facilities The existing visitor serving facilities, especially the three motels, shall be preserved as they provide for coastal access and enjoyment by persons of low and moderate income.
Motel Hotel “Hotel” and “motel” are distinct legal concepts in the LBC Zoning Regulations. In practice, hotels and motels are also distinct: MOTELS typically No restaurants No bars No events At existing motel, room rates between $ / night HOTELS typically Restaurants/Bars/ Cafes Events More water usage, deliveries, people, traffic, parking Proposed hotel, room rates between $ $ Why the distinction is important Hotels have limited-to-no access for persons of low and moderate income Hotels have greater impacts on neighborhoods, greater impacts on environment A hotel is allowed at only one site in this specific plan—not this site. DUE PROCESS CEQA
Specific plans, due process, CEQA
Deny application for CDP No : Create good Coastal Commission precedent by: Respecting language and intent of LCP; Encouraging and protecting LCP provisions that explicitly preserve affordable accommodations—one of the few ways allowed under Coastal Act. Create good policy by: Maximizing future access in Long Beach; Respecting due process of neighbors within a specific plan area; Encouraging LCP provisions that explicitly protect access by preserving affordable accommodations. Denial is the best way to protect access for persons of low and moderate income.