LandscapeLandscapeLandscapeLandscape The land was all one big island but it started to break apart dinosaurs continued to roam the world and rule it dinosaurs mostly died of drowning rather then attack.
climateclimateclimateclimate The climate was sometimes warm but it dropped a lot unlike the Triassic period which was the first period of the Mesozoic period and it rained and plants grew rapidly.
Animals and lizardsAnimals and lizardsAnimals and lizardsAnimals and lizards Animals that lived with the dinosaur in the Jurassic period were Lizards such as: snake crocodile and turtles And the first ever bird Arhaepieryx.
Plants and vegetationPlants and vegetationPlants and vegetationPlants and vegetation There were mosses, liverwort, ferns and bryophytes and these plants are just a few of the million of plants but they might not have existed in the period.
Dinosaurs in Jurassic period Dinosaurs that existed were Allosaurus, Apatosaurus, conpognathus, diplodocus, mamenchisaurus and the stegosaurus.
DiplodocusDiplodocusDiplodocusDiplodocus At 90 feet tall this was one of the tallest meat eaters that ever walked the earth it may sound weird but you wouldn’t want to mess with this dinosaur.
StegosaurusStegosaurusStegosaurusStegosaurus The most famous dinosaur that is three ton with a brain the size of a walnut and used its tail to hit its opponents.
AllosarusAllosarusAllosarusAllosarus The biggest meat eater in the period it was about 50 feet long and very intelligently deadly.
End of the periodEnd of the periodEnd of the periodEnd of the period At the end of the period not all dinosaurs went exscinded and then a new period the last period the cretaceous period. cretaceous period.