AP Literature and Composition Ms. Ehringhaus
Wednesday, September 3 rd Warm Up: Hi little doves, take out some paper and journal for 10 minutes on a current event you are hearing about in the news. Why does this interest you? What questions do you have about the subject? Where did you hear about it?
Friday, September 5 th Hello AP Peeps, Today I’d like to get a Word Doc going of y’all’s outside reading for the 1 st quarter. If you need to look at the list I have it open in the notebook on my chair-check it out. I can also help you with your decision- be prepared to tell me what you enjoy reading. Also, in your notes, participate in the 10 Books that Stayed with me challenge. Write a list of 10 books (school and fun) that have had an impact on your life. Be ready to share!
Tuesday, September 9 th Happy Tuesday, little doves! We have a lot to do today so come in and settle on down. If you haven’t presented your Invisible Man handout yet- get ready to do that. Can someone start a list on the board of people who haven't been yet? Thanks! Get ready for Othello Pre Reading Questions!
Monday, September 29 th Hi little doves, let’s do some journaling for 10 minutes. Get everything off your mind so we can talk about Othello.
Thursday, October 23 rd Happy Birthday, Ryan!!! We love you. Plan for the day: go over Act IV and Act V ◦ -Read Act IV Scene II aloud *Joey-Othello *Katie C- Emilia *Jordan – Desdemona *Daniel- Iago *Coltrane- Roderigo
Act IV Scene II *Joey-Othello *Katie C- Emilia *Jordan – Desdemona *Daniel- Iago *Coltrane- Roderigo Pause at “enter Emilia with Desdemona,” “Exit Emilia,” “enter Emilia,” “enter Emilia and Iago,” “exeunt Desdemona and Emilia,”
Personal Response Questions As we come to a close with Othello, here are some questions for you to ponder: ◦ *What is the worst thing you ever did out of jealousy? ◦ *Why are jealously and anger so closely related? Can you be jealous without being angry? Examples? ◦ *If you were to personify jealousy, what would that person look like? How would they walk, talk, act? Read excerpt from Piers Plowman.