NO MORE FLASH DRIVES How to get your stuff printed at school
Step 1: Create your document and save your document to your computer
Step 2: Go to and use your gmail account to sign in. If you don’t have a gmail account, get one; it’s free! Sign in here: Create an account here: Your screen will look like this:
Step 3: On the blue bar at the top, you will see ”UPLOAD.” Click on Upload
You will see 3 boxes: One to browse for the file on your computer One to use the URL of a file on the web One to rename your document so you can find it easier
Step 4: Click BROWSE and a new window will open for you to select your file
Step 5: Locate and double click your file
Step 6: The location of your file should now be in the first box. You may want to rename your file so it is easier to find later. Click on Upload File. Your file’s location Rename your file here: Click here when you are done
Step 7: Your document will open up on your screen. You may edit and save it here as you would in Microsoft Word. Click Save or Save & Close (if you are done with the document).
Retrieving Your Document You may now retrieve and/or edit your document on any computer with internet access. To access your document: Step 1: Go back to Google docs at Step 2: Login using your gmail account (or the & password you used to set up a new account).
Step 3: You should see your document(s) on the screen. Select the desired document to open it. You may now edit or print your document