Additional key terms
Lymph Having to do with lymph or lymphatic system Intercellular fluid as it returns to the venous circulatory system Removes waste products from the cells Must be filtered by the lymph nodes before it reenters the circulatory system
Swelling Lymphedema? ◦ Abnormal accumulation of lymphatic fluid that causes swelling usually in the arms or legs
Gland Adenoma? ◦ Glandular tumor
Having to do with the tonsils Throat Tonsils? ◦ Masses of lymphatic tissue that form a protective ring around the nose and upper throat pg 108 ◦ 3 sets Palatine - what most people think of, in the throat Lingual – base of the tongue Adenoids – found in the nasopharynx
Having to do with the adenoids Adenoids ◦ Also know as the nasopharyngeal tonsils ◦ Located in the nasopharynx ◦ Protect the entry into the respiratory system
Bone marrow Spinal cord
Having to do with the thymus gland Thymus? ◦ Located superior to the heart ◦ Composed largely of lymphatic tissue ◦ Plays important roles in the endocrine and immune systems
Any substance such as a virus, bacterium, toxin, or tissue that the body regards as foreign As foreign substances, antigens stimulate an immune response
A disease-fighting protein created by the immune system in response to the presence of an antigen
Not recurring Nonmalignant With a favorable chance for recovery
Harmful Tending to spread Becoming progressively worse Life threatening
The verb that describes the process by which cancer spreads from one place to another Metastasis ◦ The new cancer site that results from the spreading process. Meta- ◦ Beyond -stasis ◦ stopping
Lymphangioma Lymph/o ◦ Having to do with lymph Angi/o ◦ Vessels -oma ◦ Tumor A benign abnormal collection of lymphatic vessels forming a mass