closure E M Environmental Management cleanup performance safety STRATEGY MEETING NATIONAL SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL PROGRAM Bringing Innovation to Spent Nuclear Fuel and High Level Waste Management April 14-15, 2009 Washington, DC Frank Marcinowski Deputy Assistant Secretary for Regulatory Compliance Office of Environmental Management
2 This Meeting Will Explore Challenging Areas Impact of Programmatic Uncertainty on EM Programs –“Stay the course”, but start examining alternatives to the repository –Comply with license application requirements Status of Yucca Mountain R&D in Support of SNF and HLW Disposition GAO Study to Cost Two Alternatives to Yucca Status of Existing SNF and HLW Programs – and possible alternatives Management of Sodium-bonded SNF Requirements for Accepting Additional SNF
3 Current EM Policy Prepare SNF and HLW for Disposal in Geologic Repository –Consolidate SNF regionally and move SNF at INL from wet to dry storage to meet 1995 settlement agreement –Recycle aluminum-clad SNF at SRS Reduce number of SNF canisters to manage Use recovered uranium to generate electricity –Package SNF in standardized canisters per License Application Vitrify high activity fraction for repository disposal Solidify low activity fraction for on site disposition –Store HLW canisters in near surface modular structures Support Non-proliferation Efforts through Receipt and Storage of Foreign Research Reactor and Domestic Research Reactor SNF
4 ARRA Funds Additional $6B for Environmental Cleanup Proposed Activities Focus on D&D, Soil and Ground Water, and TRU Waste Management –Washington State - $1.961M –South Carolina - $1.615M –Tennessee - $755M –Idaho - $468M –Balance of Funds New Mexico - $384M; New York - $148M; Ohio - $138M; Utah - $108M; Illinois - $99M; Kentucky - $79M; California - $62M; Nevada - $44M; Other States - $69M Oversight - $70M Some Support for INL SNF and ORP HLW Activities –SNF: Transfer of INL fuel moves toward closure of wet basin –HLW: ORP tank farm upgrade supports HLW feed by 2019
5 Impact of Yucca Mountain Decision on EM Minimal Impact on Near-term SNF or HLW Management –DOE will continue to package, treat and store SNF and HLW consistent with repository license application –Current baselines will be maintained through 2020 –Continue efforts to develop more cost effective technologies for treatment and storage of HLW and SNF Develop Options for Long-term Storage without the Repository Longer Term, Develop Appropriate Strategies to Support Revised Departmental Policy
6 In Closing SNF and HLW will Continue to be Safely Managed and Programs Operate Under Current Baselines Delayed Repository Opening has no Significant Near-term Impacts to EM, Although Potential Issues Exist with State Regulatory Agreements The NSNFP will Continue to be a Resource to the DOE in Developing SNF/HLW Alternatives Plans Will Evolve to Support Recommendations of the Proposed Blue Ribbon Panel Your Feedback is Important – Ask Questions and Propose Solutions